Ok just got the app and the obd 2. Can someone point me to the direction to the track battery location on the app?
You have to download additional (custom) PIDs and copy them into the hidden folder .torque\extendedpids. For seeing this folder, you'll need a file manager, which is able to show hidden files/folders like "ES Explorer" (hidden files must be activated in the options). Then, the app will show much more PIDs/channels, like voltage, current, resistance of the individual cells or (dis-)charging-current or -power and so on. For the download look for "USBSeawolf2000 Gen2 Prius". (I've got only the file with metric values.) SM-G900F ?
Thank you............ I'm more familiar with apple electronics. Will play and learn this android tablet. Will post progress. Thanks for your help
Ok I need helpppp. I have the USBSeawolf2000 Gen2 Prius unzipped on a sd card. I have es explorer, I have the hidden file unchecked. Now how do I import into the hidden folder .torque\extendedpids and where do I look for torque\extendedpids? Any Links?
Using the ES File Explorer, you should see a folder called ".torque" on your device's main storage drive. You will need to create a subfolder called "extendedpids" under ".torque". You will then need to copy the PID files from your sd card to this subfolder. After doing this, when you open Torque Pro and select the gear icon at the lower left, you select "Settings". You should then see a menu item called "Manage extra PIDs/Sensors", select that. From the next screen, you need to select the standard menu icon that should be a part of any Android app. (On my phone it appears as 3 parallel lines). That should bring up a menu item called "Add predefined set". From there you should be able to select your vehicle, "Prius Gen 2". After making that selection, the program should find the new PIDs that you have copied into the subfolder "extendedpids". I hope this helps.
Right, "Realtime Information", select the gear icon, then select "Add display" for the type of display dials, digits, whatever you prefer, next menu shows a list of what is available. For mine, I have selected the "Battery Block Voltage" for all 14 blocks, "Internal Resistance" for all 14 and a few other things. I have my displays on several screens that I can scroll through.
Right! Click the gear symbol or long press in free area and choose something like "add Display" (I don't know the exact translation, my app is in German.) There you can try different types to find what you'll like most. After choosing the display type, you have to choose the PID/sensor. When choosing while connected with the car, black list entries won't work, (light) green ones will work. Seems like I was too slow SM-G900F ?
I GOT IT!!!!!!! LOL THANKS ALL..........BUT ALL MY BATTERY BLOCK 1-14 are reading same voltage. 15.8 - 16 all good? You all are the BEST!!!
Should be okay. Battery consists of 28 modules with each 6 cells with 1.2V (or 7.2V per module). So the 14 blocks have nominal 14.4V. The small amount more is okay, equal or less would be bad. (The Aux battery has nominal 12V and for real 13.x ...14V) SM-G900F ?
I think after all this load test the battery cells with a meter would be best. Find the weak cells and replace.
Besides the voltage you could check the internal resistance of the 14 blocks. I don't know the right value, but maybe there is one significant. When removing all the parts around the battery be careful. The high voltage can be harmful. And when shortcutting one or more modules the high current can be harmful too. Btw: On top of the open battery there should be two black smelly rubber hoses for degasing the cells. Often the source for ugly smell in the car. Check and decide for yourself. I replaced them with two simply silicon hoses (just cut the needed holes and used the same old end caps) SM-G900F ?
Right, I believe it is best to sample the voltage values for the blocks at different levels of charge and compare them to one another. I logged about 17.7V per block when my battery was at its highest state of charge (73%) but only around 14.4V per block when my battery was at its lowest state of charge (42%). The variability among the blocks was much greater at the lowest state of charge than at the highest, so I know my battery is showing some wear. I believe voltage difference between the cells at the lowest SOC is a more important measurement than the value of the voltages themselves (i.e. having the cells balanced is more important than their total capacity). If you do decide to replace certain cells, it is very important that you balance the new ones with the old. There is a lot of information on this forum about how best to do that.
While running the app, run a force charge: E-brake on, foot firmly on brake pedal, place in drive and floor gas pedal and hold till battery is charged up to green bar. Discharge: put car in N, a/c on full and let battery discharge to the purple bars. Rinse, lather, repeat a couple of more times while watching the block voltages in the app. You should get a good feel for which module(s) are under performing.