Saw this when I went to visit my dealer for a free car wash today. Apparently it was a 2-day rental from Toyota that only lasted one day. I would hate to be carrying the insurance for this! There were airbags deployed on all sides of the car. It appears that no one was injured, but I can see that replacing all of the airbags will probably result in the car being totaled in most cases (definitely in this one, I expect!) There was a question about driver's and passenger's seat airbags and whether to cover them up with a seat cover. Maybe not a good idea?
My dealer in Michigan (Suburban Toyota of Troy) had a rental a couple of months ago. Maybe still do, haven't been back since then.
Apparently Toyota has a rental service (at least my dealer does). You can rent out the newest models to test drive. Looks like this rental ended up testing all of the safety features at once. At first glance it looks like a front corner impact. Probably one of the worst ones to have - all of the impact force is concentrated in a small area (could be wrong so if we have an NHTSA engineer to correct me would appreciate that). By the way, the new 2018 Camry's look very sporty and aggressive. So much different from the previous model Camry. Toyota must have some new designers on staff - finally breaking out of that stuffy old mold (I have owned 5 Toyotas previously lol).
The new IIHS partial overlap crash test saved the PAX but the vehicle is toast. (bisco beat me to the HV battery joke)
Actually, the picture quality isn't that great but the front windshield has a series of small cracks in it. The impact most likely bent the frame from front to back and over stressed the front windshield.
Awwww shoot! They'll just have to wait for that second 100 replacement windshields to be released from Japan. Sad to see a crashed Prime.
I think you can safely remove the word "probably"...that's a totaled vehicle for sure. If I was the dealership I think I'd park it upfront with balloons on it, and a big sign that said "Creme Puff" and "Price Reduced"....just for fun.
Would you feel more comfortable to get another Prime, if the Prime's advanced features, such as auto-braking, did actually stop the car? I guess it's calibrated to stop for a human being, but not an animal? If only the wild-boar was taller....
A wild boar did that? Where did that info come from - I don't see it in this thread? I also don't see any blood, or hair, or ham...
See this thread that talks about the wild boar vs a Prime: Safety Sense Failures | PriusChat (not sure if it's the same wild boar and/or the same Prius Prime, but there is definitely some coincidence here as both are brand new and threads are around the same time)
This would make a fascinating experiment to see how far off the original topic we can get Car wasn't mine thank goodness. I would be bummed to say the least if that happened to me. No wild boar, it looks like the vehicle may have hit something stationary that wasn't another vehicle due to no visible paint transfer.Maybe an abutment or wall? No blood on the exterior (so probably no roadkill plus it looks like you would have to hit the Hulk to do that amount of damage with an organic life form!).