hi there! I'm in the market for 2017 Prius 2, was wondering if anyone recently bought one in the greater Seattle area and if you don't mind letting me know how much you got it for? Went around today and seem like most dealerships are quoting around $25k OTD. Not much room to negotiate since Prius is still pretty popular up in PNW. Just wanted to see if I am getting a fair deal since this will be m first time purchasing a new car. Thanks!
welcome! be sure to check out the gen 4 pricing thread, to see if there are any seatllites in there. all the best with your new car hunt!
Just curious, are they sitting on the lots in Seattle. In Vancouver seems like it's pre-order only, never see any available on the lot.
Are you asking about the Prius prime or gen4 Prius? Prime is preorder only, as for the regular priuses they are on the lot
I just picked up my Prius 3 Touring for $24,345 + TTL and I was able to get them to throw in some all weather mats. Had to drive down to I-5 Toyota to get the best deal and I used my Costco Membership as well. What an upgrade from my 2007 Gen 2!
Remember that in Seattle, the TTL is probably close to 3k, which would put his Seattle price over 27k OTD.
Yeah. I guess they weren't including TTL. When I was getting quotes online from the Seattle dealerships for the Two, all of them were $23k plus TTL.