I am experiencing some noticeable screen glare in the Prime Advanced when it is sunny out. Any quick solutions?
I don't have a Prime, but I have the 11.5"(?) screen. Even before window tint, it never showed any glare. What is so different about the Prime's screen? Many threads and complaints about glare. (Tint is great. But I can't see anything at night. )
took me a minute but I found out how, click on your profile and the profile page will drop down, then click on personal details
I assume you have a Prime, so change it to that, you should be able to select Plus, Premium, or Advanced
I am confused-- sorry. How will this help eliminate the screen glare in the car? These look like steps to do on this forum.
Alright stop confusing him. As for glare, it is a problem for most cars unless it's deeply inset (like on some Lexus, BMW and MB models but those aren't touchscreens). I'm not sure why they went with a glossy finish for the screens. My 2010 has a matte finish and it mostly works (except when the sun comes through the moonroof or at the right angle through the window. In the case of the moonroof, I just close the sunshade). Hopefully someone can come up with an accessory like a screen protector that will reduce the glare.
My mistake. 7" diagonally. Maybe it appears larger because of the border around it? It has glare on it now because the door was open during this pic. But I honestly don't recall any bothersome glare while driving, even before tint. The Prime has that nice BIG screen. It's beautiful. Sorry to hear about the glare.
I have the Plus trim (smaller 7" screen) but wrote a post on my solution to the problem here (for the 7" Screen, but it can be slightly adapted to work for the 11.6 I think): Screen glare quick fix idea for 7" Screen (not sure about 11.6) | PriusChat
The suggestion to changing your forum profile above was a tangent to your original question and obviously had nothing to do with your physical car. Your Priuschat forum profile says you are driving a 2015 Prius III. Since you were asking about and appear to "now" own a Prius Prime, they were suggesting you update your forum profile to reflect this. When a member asks questions on the forum, before we answer, we typically glance at the user's profile to see what they are driving. It helps us give you better answers. So while is a tangent, is is mildly relevant and is for your benefit. I hope this helps.
I'm glaring pretty good myself... at all you Primers. being in the midwest and not having decent access to a prime , I don't know if you can do what I do. On my 2014 there is a slot that runs around the bezel of the screen. It's wide enough to jam in a couple of pieces of cut-up shoebox cardboard. I made them small enough I can still use the buttons but they throw shade on the screen. Easy enough to stick in or take out as needed. I'm on the lookout for plastic pieces or something more durable than cardboard.