I feel that the Prius Prime, particularly the Advanced, moves this very popular hybrid into the Luxury/Quality category. Just a few points: the Faux Leather is wearing very nicely, with no hot weather problems; my cupholders have little removable liners to keep everything tidy and serviceable; again cup holders have little "fingers" to hold on your cups; there's a little overhead storage where you could store pass cards, or keys, etc. These few small features show a great attention to fine details which are appreciated! Whatta ya think?? What little niceties of this car do you like? .
This is my one major problem with this car - the Softex seats are uncomfortably hot because they don't breathe. They're so hot I suspected the seat heater on my back was stuck on. I'm considering buying seat modifiers of some sort to alleviate this problem. The cup holders are my second biggest annoyance. My stainless vacuum-sealed bottles are scratching the daylights out of them. And the fingers make the bottles stick sometimes. Worst cupholders in history. Never had a problem with those in my 2004.
I believe that within the next 5 years you will see that pretty much all cars calling themselves "Luxury Vehicles" will have electric power, many as plug-in hybrids, some as all-electric, and a few with hydrogen power. The quiet, smooth operation of these vehicles will be widely infectious!! You heard it here!! .
Just sat for ~16 hours in the Advanced softex seats. No problemo with the temperature and I prefer them to cloth or leather. The cell phone charger is great! just wish they had the hiding pull out drawer that was at the bottom front console of my 2007 Prius. HUD is a nice touch as well, even works with the navigation.
I'd pay an extra $1,000 to have cloth over Softex. And I wouldn't have leather, period. My back gets so hot that it gets wet and starts to soak through my shirt. I have to sit forward to have some airflow back there. And that's with the A/C set on 68Ā°F and the vents blowing directly on me. Never had this problem before, but before I've always had cloth seats.
Mr. Bohn, I have the same experience with the Softex even in 95Ā° heat here in Socal. Granted we don't usually get the high humidity prevalent in other regions, but I'm a person who really hates heat, and love the cooling efficacy of my Prime Advanced. I do have a medium added tint on all but the windshield glass, which helps keep my seats cooler. I haven't driven the car for over 4 continuous hours in high heat, but for those drives I've never been uncomfortably hot on my back etc. I thought I wouldn't like the Softex, due to my experience with real leather and vinyl; I did like the look of the Softex much more than the offered cloth alternative. My actual experience with this material left me pleasantly surprised. And "Na" Bisco (hey got to do it again!!), the Advanced ain't got cooled seats!! You're talking about major spoilage there!! I mean, you'd have to give me antibiotics (anti-mold??), har, har! .
I live in ultra-dry Colorado, and it gets uncomfortable in 10 minutes even when the car has been in the garage all night.
I went on a 100 mile trip this last weekend. The car performed beautifully. I had the smooth jazz music playing and the miles rolling along as I sat back and enjoyed the ride. Most enjoyable car I have ever owned.
That is totally weird; I wonder if the cloth in shirts, can have any impact on the temperature of the seat material. Also, I accidentally triggered the seat heater once; I hated that; it was way too hot for me! Are you sure the heater is off. My Honda Civic vinyl seats were really lousy for comfort and heat. I had to buy seat covers for that turd when I got the same reaction you're experiencing. That's why I was skeptical of this Softex. Have you tried contacting one of the high-roller seat manufacturers like Recaro or Scheel to see what they might know about this problem. .
It's so hot I've checked the seat heater about 30 times. And I've even measured it with an infrared thermometer. It's not on.
Not trying to be annoying, but gotta ask, do you have the same reaction sitting in other vinyl seats. What's your most comfortable seat/material, car? If you're a picky SOB like me, I was preparing to order Recaro cloth seats for my Civic VX due to my discomfort with heat and lumbar problems, until my kid totalled the car!! That company does offer some very comfortable seats, and that might be your solution. But it's an expensive way to go!! I did buy Scheels for my other Civic, but those were disappointing. My Alfa Romeo Milano Verde came standard with cloth Recaro heated seats; those were sensational, like the car!! .
The only car I've ever been in that didn't have cloth seats was an Avalon with leather seats. They're awful too. Never had a problem like this with any cloth seat on any car ever.
Hey, what about finding a basic Prime owner or less hopefully, a dealer, who would swap you your seats for theirs!! They should be a cinch fit!! They'd get an "upgrade", and so would you!! .
That's exactly why I did not buy the upper model Prius with softex seats. I didn't even want to take the chance of being uncomfortable and hot. Some people are fine with it, and others hate it. It's that simple.
I used the rear seat center storage for holding my leftover fish tacos from the restaurant the other day. They fit perfectly! Also, the depression in the top of the hood (bonnet for you UK'ers) by the windshield, when the car is parked up a slight uphill, can hold a puddle of water about a half inch deep so that birds might be able to drink or take a quick bath. What a great car!
The problem is, I wanted the HUD, the rear cross traffic alert, the Homelink auto dimming mirror, the blind spot monitor etc. No option for all of that with cloth seats, and I can cover the seats. By the way they're very nice in the winter, especially with the heat on.
I understand your pain. I've always hated leather for the same reason. I was very surprised that the softex seats in my 2014 4Runner TEP has never bother me. I've proven it on many round trips to offroad in Ouray/Silverton. I was Googling and there are several "seat cooler" solutions out there for you to use in the summer and easily remove so you can enjoy the heated seats ion the winter.
I thought you really can't cover the seats. Isn't there Airbags built into them? I'm a newb to all this technology, but i thought something popped out of the sides. Anyway, I'm a very hot person also, and don't find these seats too bad. The only time I've had an issue was after a trip to Yosemite and a long hike, I drove down the hill for 2 hrs and was totally soaked in my back. But I didn't blame the seats, I'd been wearing a backpack and it had left my back soaked, so it never dried off. I thought it was the seats but I haven't had the issue again. All this ECO technology on the AC has me working the controls more to be comfortable. When it's this hot and with the monsoon season here, I just wish I'd just get blasted with ice cold air like my Tundra that gets 15 MPG does!