hi all, yesterday i replaced the coolant control valve and inverter pump on my prius (myself), and after bleeding the air from the coolant line, when i went to top up the coolant it poured out the back of the reservoir. because of its location, i cant tell if the reservoir cracked or if there's a hose that came loose. i felt around the back and it felt like there was a hose back there, but it had a flat edge like it was a manufactured edge. the service manual doesn't seem to have good diagrams of that area, any insight on what might be going on or reference to any diagrams where i can see what its supposed to look like would be wonderful. thank you!
I found a good picture on EBay. No hose on the back, but a right angle solid plastic tube with o-ring appears to go into the inverter housing.
For everyone's future information, what happened was I was accidentally pointing the funnel directly into the overflow tube so it was pouring straight out. That hose in the back that I was feeling was an overflow tube for the reservoir.
It was an accident. It didn't seem that hard but I'm still having issues so maybe it was, is there anything in particular thats hard about it? Now I'm concerned I did something wrong!
It's only hard if you don't know the intricacies of the coolant loop. The Engine coolant loop is very difficult to get air out of the cyl head because of the CHRS system. Air gets trapped in the bottle and you have to cycle the bottle motor to bleed it. Please use the search forum and seArch CHRS. The engine is very easy on its coolant but the inverter and trans is very hard on the inverter coolant in my opinion.