So today at work my tire pressure light came on, not blinking. It stayed on for awhile and as I drove home it went off and has not come back on. I looked and could'nt find any nails or anything in the tires. This happen to anyone else? Is there an issue I need to watch for? I know if it blinks its a sensor issue but it did'nt blink. Thanks.
check your tire pressure, some could be low. Its on when its below a certain air pressure, then it'll go away once its at the minimum air pressure for the tire.
The light will go off when you drive because the tires heat up and the pressure rises. Wait for at least a few hours after driving (overnight is best) and check the tire pressures. Inflate as necessary.
Happens to me about 50% of the time because the idiots at the oil change places do not understand what "cold inflation" means.... De-airing a HOT tire is not to be done, unless it is over inflated by such an amount as to be unsafe. That would be greater than the "MAX COLD" pressure on the tire's sidewall.