43k on the C now. I did the first oc at 10 k with no problems. Engine runs great and oil is a light amber at each oc,,,still using Toyota 0w20... - Galaxy S5
Bump. I have now used Ravenol 0W16 in my 2015 PriusC Three for 35k miles. It has worked quite well, with a 3% mpg improvement. The motor oil was changed yesterday, with a 14k mile oil change interval. After using this last Ravenol bottle in my stash, I will switch to Mobil 1 EP 0W20, a thick 0W20 with an even higher ester content than the Ravenol ( 65% vs 35%). This should keep the piston rings clean and diminish oil consumption, over my anticipated 400k plus mile vehicle life. UOA on the Ravenol will be subject to interest. BTW this post is at least in part a response to a recent bitog thread. I am providing herein the most current and accurate information regarding 0W16 motor oil to the North American market, and it is based upon my personal experience of over 35k miles of useage of 0W16 motor oil.
0W-16 and here I am thinking 0W-20 is too thin. The PriusC motor is the same motor that is the GEN II. The GEN II motor takes 5W-30 oil. So why now is Toyota suggesting the use of 0W-20 oil? I have been using Toyota 0W-20 oil, but on my next oil change I will be switching to Mobil 1 0W-30 oil. I have done the same on my GEN III, with hopes that it will prevent the oil use as others are seeing as they reach 100K miles. Also, change your oil at 5K miles, not 10K miles, as this too was revised after the GEN III came out as an after thought!
Change in plans. I am now using Citgo 0W16. It is one third the price of Ravenol. OCIs will be ~6k miles. I will report...
Very likely Toyota OW20. I wouldn't replace it overly early, maybe a 5000 mile change. All I've ever used is Toyota 0W20, it's cheap as dirt for me, through our dealership. Seems fine. I change it max 5000 miles or 6 months, that's the Canadian schedule. (Oh crap, responded to a 2012 posting. N'mind.)
It's crazy. I had 64k miles on my first 2015 PriusC Three when it was totalled (but not me !) in a spectacular car wreck. I now have 28k miles on my new 2015 PriusC Three. Date of purchase was May 1, 2016.
Sorry about your car, glad it did a good job of protecting you. Well keep us posted on your 2nd C and your oil use.
Bump. After 80k miles of using Citgo 0W16, I recently reached 100k vehicle miles. I proceeded to change over to my carefully selected "high mileage motor oil", Mobil 1 Annual Performance 5W20. MPG dropped 10%, from 52 to 47 miles per gallon. I move from the realm of fuel economy to the realm of mega durability. I am trying to avoid the oil consumption, piston ring coking, valve stem seal wear, etc, that is a systemic problem. OCI with Citgo was 10k miles. I will go 20k miles with the Mobil, and have total confidence in the results. I report my anecdotal experience, with the understanding that the motoring world is quite skeptical of any mileage claims. However, I have the personal knowledge of what actually occurred in my circumstances. As a delivery driver subcontractor, my conditions are remarkably consistent. Respectfully submitted, vis.
Can't say I recommend it but I've had a total of 3 oil changes done and I'm at 68k. 2 under toyota care 1 @ 40k 68k and gotta get it done this month. Kinda feel bad tbh.