Has anyone experienced their carpool stickers starting to fall off? The clear coating is definitely coming off, and edges of the green stickers are lifting. How does one rectify this short of using Super Glue? Also, I had my front bumper repainted (I'm at 50,000 miles!) and they removed the sticker. I never got it back. Think it will present a problem? I've got all the other ones.....
I can't address the legalities or how to obtain replacement carpool stickers..... Yet can offer an idea on the falling off comment. A nicely cut clear sticker just large enough to cover over the entire carpool sticker and its unglued edges. Good luck.
A local sign maker for example. Perhaps a local automotive "wrapping" or automotive advertising (so to say) company or automotive windshield/ glass tinting company. Internet...a sheet of Xpel (brand name for clear "bra" material).
You can get replacement stickers if necessary from the DMV (click on the "Request Rejected" link below). Have to pay a fee though. Request Rejected As far as minimizing further peeling, go to a shop (usually a window tinting or car stereo shop) than also installs "clear bra" products. Ask if they have any scrap pieces laying around, and simply cut to fit.
Or just get some clear bra vinyl film off ebay for under $10 if local prices are too high. Here's the first one I found (not a recommendation) in a quick search: *3M Scotchgard Hood Bumper Clear Paint Protection Bra Film Vinyl Wrap Decal 6"
I have an opposite question. These carpool stickers will be expiring not too long from now. What's the best way to remove them?
The stickers came off pretty easily with help of a heat gun. It only cost $8 for the replacements so spending more to protect them is probably a waste of money. The instructions for replacement state that you need to return the originals. SM-T350 ?
I had the front bumper replaced and had to get new ones from DMV. It is the law. To remove the remaining stickers just use hair dryer and then a little acetone which i got from Home Depot..came right off.