Get the Carista App and a ODBII adapter an set the seat belt warning to disabled, when you do that a message comes up saying you are liable if you're involved in a crash.
I just returned from the dealer (my license plates arrived) and had them make the change to lower the windows from the fob. Thanks for those who mentioned it here!
Call me spoiled and wasteful (but don't call me late for dinner!!), but I like to use the remote climate on Entune for my Advanced!! You open the door and it's coooool! You gotta love it! And even in the blazing 88 degree sun for a couple of hours, the Softex just gets warm. I do have medium tint added on all my windows. .
I sent a note to our salesperson yesterday requesting that be included in the delivery prep for my wife's Prime. Did it take them long? What did they charge for the service?
It takes a few minutes and should not be a charge. I had the reverse beep changed to one beep at my 5k service and no charge.
They didn't charge and it took about 10 minutes. No, the red Prime wasn't there yet (I asked) But it was fun watching a young couple oohing and ahhing as they were being shown their demo Prime. Think we're going to have another one on the roads soon.
I've been wondering - the description of the remote climate says it will work if the battery is adequately charged. What exactly does that mean? Wondering if I'll have the opportunity if I can only rarely plug in.
My 2012 PIP with 1/2 the capacity of my Prime cooled fine with less than a full charge. Of course I had to use the key fob to run that, which was very inconvenient. If you're unable to plug in and charge, try using the charge feature of the car while you're still driving it and then get your charge level up to about half; you should be fine since Remote Climate will only work for 10 minutes.. Obviously, plugging in is the ideal! . Oh by the way, the Entune feature, will give you the temperature range that your car is at currently. So as the car cools down, you will see that temperature range drop to a colder range!! .
the pre warming is great once you get the remote entune app to work, as of today July 26, 2017 the remote entune is no longer an issue. The best part is when you set it for max heat, front defrost, rear defrost on, All that snow melts off the front and rear windshield,fwiw the front defrost does not kick in ICE when you enable front defrost from the remote entune app.