Hello folks check out how easy it is to spice up our Prius in less than an hour, well any car for that matter. Put some personal touches on your cars.
You don't have to post your video twice - just choose one forum that you wish to post the video . Thanks for the How To:
You don't have to post your video twice - just choose one forum that you wish to post the video . Your welcome, is there a rule about posting the same in 2 different sections?
Yes, I think what happened is it just removed the wax, or possibly left a residue but wax and grease removed wouldn't remove it. Its been raining so I haven't had time to mess with it...
It's more etiquette than a hard and fast rule. I've seen 4 of your other posts in a row once and this one popped up twice . I'm not sure how many look at the video section anyway, so you might as well just post in the Gen 4 forum to get maximum visibility.
Butting in cheekily here, but I've noticed that when we're experiencing the the dreaded Database Errors, a poster gets a failed indication when trying (I just had one now) to post and therefore tries again. This has happened a number of times to me, so when the site gets back to normal we find that we have actually inadvertantly posted #x copies. In a nutshell, it isn't PS. @Tideland Prius Gave up after 9 failed attempts to send on 26 July!!