Just bought my 2015 C on Saturday from Hertz dealership. I am noticing that the battery (on the dash?) is not staying charged while it is sitting overnight or even today when I was at work. It was about 3/4 of the way to the top when I parked at work this morning at 8am and was about 1/4 when I started it back up at 5pm. Hertz dealer said they have no idea and only sell about 3 prius in a year! So I have an apponitment with the Toyota dealearship in the morning..but was wondering if this sounds normal ? Ive only had the car 48 hours and it only has about 30K miles on it. Im in Florida so its very, very hot outside right now....
First the comforting part, in Florida you have a 8 year/100,000 mile warranty on the High Voltage battery, so if there is an issue, you are covered. Usually, if there is an issue, the computers will log codes which the dealer can read. If there are any, write them down so we can give you a second opinion. they are usually one Alphabetic character then 4 alpha numeric characters. (P0A80 as an example) Lets us know what you find out. Heat is tough on batteries, use your A/C!
Thank you! is it normal for the battery gauge on the dash to show less bars when the car is parked overnight or at work?
Did you check the battery gauge the instant you started the car? When the car starts from cold it uses battery power exclusively (unless you floor the accelerator) to propel the vehicle for the first dozen or two seconds to give oil time to circulate in the engine before putting it under load. If you accelerate reasonably strongly during those first few seconds it can drain the battery at a much higher rate than you normally see during typical driving. If you glanced at the battery indicator a few seconds after pulling away from a stop it could explain why it seemed to be down a few bars.
I have not owned a c, but a Gen 2 and a v, so there are some differences. When the car starts up it re-calibrates where it thinks the battery is charged to. So if it is much hotter when started than it was when stopped (A/C when running cools the battery) it may vary.
Thank you both! Sounds like this what I'm experiencing may just be normal. Takes a little getting used to for sure, but I love my car. I didn't buy it from a Toyota dealer so the dealer was very upfront about the fact that no one there really knew that much about the car (as far as walk through of all the features and how the whole thing operates). Think I'll run it by the Toyota dealership today just to make sure but I sure do appreciate the insight here!
G'day, I find it usual for the traction battery indicator to drop a bar or two overnight in my 2016 'c'. So I'd say it is normal and nothing to worry about. Just part of owning a truly modern car. David S.
This is called a negative battery recalibration and is a sign of battery age: Prolong® Battery Systems FAQ - Hybrid Automotive If you invest a little and start maintaining the battery now you can avoid a much bigger expense in the future.
Or it could be your 12v battery is starting to wear out and the hybrid battery is depleting to compensate.
If it is not a fuse, my guess is the 12V needs replacing or charging. If a car has sat stationary over an extended period of time its charge level depletes. If your alternator is working it should take a good ride around for awhile to charge it back up again (On ICE maybe an hour steady). If it can not keep a charge then another 12V battery is needed. Or, you may need an alternator.
The Prius system has no alternator. The engine uses MG1 to charge the large traction battery. When in Ready mode, the large traction battery uses an inverter to charge the 12 volt battery needed to power the computer systems and other accessories. MG1 is also the motor used to start the engine. The other motor, MG2 is used to power the wheels and to charge the battery when braking, Hard braking will use the friction brake pads, just like other cars.
We can all give opinion and advice, but since you have purchased this used through Hertz, I think having a dealer check it out is a good idea. I owned a standard Prius, and I would say, it never went from 3/4th charged to 1/4th charged just in sitting for 8 hours. Infact, I barely would lose any charge overnight. Maybe a bar or two tops. Of course I wasn't living in Florida so it wasn't sitting in super high heat. But...I still think there is legitimate reason for concern, and getting a relationship going with your dealership is a good idea, and just having it checked out in general is a good idea. Whether I tell you it's normal...don't worry, or it sounds like you may have a problem, either is really a guess.
If you haven't already, sign up on toyota.com and input your Vehicle Identification Number. From there you'll be able to see any previous maintenance history. Toyota Owners Official Web Site
Good Idea to do. But I'm guessing since the previous owner was Hertz? There probably was no dealer entered maintenance. But I could be wrong.
I've had this exact thing happen to my C this week. pull into work with one bar down, get in to come home and two or three bars left. Southeast Texas but I do leave my windows cracked about 2-3 inches and open them fully 30 minutes prior to leaving. I've had my 2015 C for two years, have 18,500 miles on odo. the air temps have been upper 90's to about 103.
follow up on my post: the dealer kept the car overnight, gave me a rental, ran error codes and checked battery charging and condition, they said all is well, no error codes. at least I have a record of it now, if it happens again down the road.
Using A/C will drain the TractionBattery, but the ICE will kick in and replenish TractionBattery as necessary! (…if the SoC goes below 45%, as far as I recall…) - hope this helps - Wil
On my 2015 C, high temperatures 95+ wreaked mischief. My 6" and steering mounted controls locked up. I had to shut and restart the car, literally to reboot.