Hello, My 2014 Prius was stolen right out of my driveway. Thieves broke into my home, stole some other items and my car keys, then left with my car. The police found it on the interstate a couple of weeks later and I took it to the Toyota dealership so that it can be repaired. I guess the Service department there is very, very busy because I cannot get anyone to call me back about this (or even about the status of the repairs - starting to get very peeved at them), so I thought I would ask here to see if anyone knows anything about the key fob. The guy who stole my car kept the key fob. I have my spare fob and am wondering if the frequency between it and the car can be changed so that the thief cannot come steal my car again using the old fob once I get it home. I also want to get an extra fob, just to have as a backup. Does anyone know if the fob and car can be changed to still work but not allow the stolen fob access to my car? Thanks. Sam
Actually, yes. Your dealer can remove the authorization for any fob that has been "coded" to the car. They have a "notebook computer" that plugs into the data port, and can authorize new fobs as well as delete existing fobs. I think your car can have up to three fobs allocated to it at one time. I went through this process on my 2014, which was sold to me with only one fob. I bought a genuine replacement fob from my local dealer and the service advisor performed this delete/authorize step with me in the car with him. They usually charge for this, but we had a long history with him, so he did this part gratis for me. But this doesn't solve the problem of the mechanical key, which will still be able to open your locked door.
Yes the dealer can delete the fob that's stolen, so it won't work with your car again. Make sure to get a spare key and bill everything to insurance
Drive your car out of there and find some good neighbouring mechanic.fob can easily be replaced and programmed.you can also change your door lock and put one from salvage.
I would hesitate to use DEALER for key fob issues. Find a locksmith with skills. They can get fob and program for under 100. Dealer charged me more than I care to remember. Never again. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
No frequencies will be changed, they all work on the same frequency. Each fob has a unique digital code, and two separate fobs (with separate codes) are paired to the car at the factory. The dealer would delete the code for the stolen fob from the car's programmed memory, and add the code for a replacement fob. (It is actually harder than this, which is why it usually costs some real money to do the change, but this is the basic idea.)
hey all, not to derail a thread but can one access and reprogram the paired fobs (delete one of them to be specific) using ones own laptop, and if so what interface and software combination would be needed to accomplish such? tia all, this forum and its brethren absolutely rock, really enjoying my first Prius..!
Uh, no... You NEED the dealer. Unless your locksmith with skills has a live subscription to Toyota via TechStream, it isn't going to work. To remove and pair a fob to a vehicle you need the software. Also keep in mind you have a limited number of pairings of fobs until the ECU locks completely and must be replaced.
Are you sure? From past discussions, it seems that the required Toyota Techstream subscription (part of the required key code security) is rather expensive. They will need to do a very high volume of Toyota fobs in order to amortize that subscription down to a low per-customer cost.
Adding and removing fobs on the car's whitelist are simple menu options in the basic version of Techstream that anybody (including you or an independent shop) can activate with a cheap TIS Pro subscription ($55 gets you two days). The functions restricted to the "security professional" level (which is not only more expensive, but requires proof that you're, well, a security professional) are just to retrieve the key cut codes for the mechanical keys if all you have is the VIN and no way to open the door, and to get seed codes to reset the ECU to register all new fobs to the car when you have none of the old ones available. You can see why these are functions you would want restricted to security professionals. Registering and unregistering fobs, when you have access to the car and one already registered fob, is easy peasy. -Chap