Hey guys this is a little long winded from my wife and I. We did a review on our 2016 3 touring after about 20k miles. Enjoy.
Nice video. That's the first Gen4 Prius I've seen with a cover on the steering wheel. Some of these guys that are developing holes in their SofTex might want to look into getting a cover. (But it has to be a "manly" cover )
That steering wheel cover adds a touch of class to your Prius. I didn't even read previous post before I decided I would comment on the steering wheel cover. For me a steering wheel cover is a no go. Driving gloves, different story but I don't have any of those. I may make a video of my 2017 Prius 2 with my Clazzio seat covers. Putting those on my Prius was like one of the seven wonders of the world to achieve and complete. I almost got a 2016 Prius 3 Touring but it didn't work out.
For the color of the steering wheel cover, it's my wife's car. As to why it's there?? To keep retail value up, steering wheel's are the biggest wear item on a car, I want it to still look new at 200k.