Having had my 2015 Prius C for a couple months now I am contemplating a couple of longer road trips approx. 3500 miles each, I intend getting the oil changed before I head off most of the driving will be highway /freeway averaging around 60 mph should I be able to leave the next oil change till after my trips or get one while away I have always had vehicles that go 10,000 miles between changes and most had bigger motors ,I know the C was designed around city driving but feel that providing I stay within engine capabilities it should be ok ,would be interested in your experiences. Thanks
My longest trip in the Prius C so far was from Vancouver BC down to Los Angeles and return last year - I put about 5,000 km (a little over 3,000 miles) on it over a two-week period. I had no problems, and although I generally tend to stick to the speed limits I was keeping up with traffic in LA. Up the Grapevine, down the Grapevine, the Prius C took it all in stride.
Did you get an owners manual with your car ? Not sure I understand the question since the recommended change interval with synthetic oil is 10,000 miles I think. Your trip of 7000 miles is well within that. And short trips are generally harder on the oil than highway miles. So yes, you should be fine if you put the recommended synthetic oil in it.......and check the level at least every couple of days.
I did Austin to San Francisco then San Francisco down through Colorado back to Austin... About 5k miles in a week... Did the oil before I left then again when I got back... Only complaint is the Prius c is not comfortable for long trips or that for me... My back and knee were killing me...I made the same trip in a jetta and could have done it again np XT1635-01 ?
This is missing an important piece of information......or two. How much was it down before the second change. And how many times during the trip did you check the oil level ??
The c will be fine with the 10k interval for that driving. The only thing that would affect how often you change the oil would be if you travel a lot of dirt roads. The longest trip in my Prius C was about an 8 hour round trip (just driving). Handled interstate speeds beautifully.
I did a cross country road trip on the c last year and changed the oil beforehand and it was fine the whole trip. I clocked in at 8600 miles after it was all said and done. I checked the oil at random stops to be safe but the car didn't use any oil whatsoever. I would recommend rotating the tires. I was going to rotate them before the trip (though it was sooner than they needed to be rotated) and didn't get a chance to. Then didn't get a chance during the trip and then the back tires got cupped. When I moved them up front, the extra weight of the motor was causing them to vibrate like crazy so I had to rotate them back and leave them as is. So depending on where you are on the tire rotation schedule either take care of it before or during to be safe.