Purchased a new Crank Sensor (Toyota part # 90919-05087) for my 2004 Prius. Searched the forum, and the interwebs, and cannot seem to find the exact location of the sensor. Anyone have a pic or diagram of its location? Thanks
Left side of engine in the front towards the grill 1st wire you see going down on the left side of The engine And the boat just below that is the filter Needs to be clean too behind bolt Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The crank position sensor is very near the crankshaft pulley, passenger side of the engine. One bolt holds the sensor to the engine block. Raise up the front of the car to have adequate access to get under the engine, then you can easily see the sensor.
Error code and dealer diagnostic. Could end up being the timing chain, but I will stop at the crank sensor. I have over 300,000 miles (odo stopped at 299,999 in 2015), so it is not worth the money and effort to replace the chain if that is, in the end, the real issue. I will drive it until it blows up, sell it for parts, and buy a lower mileage used Prius.
Remove the passenger side front wheel. Remove or move the plastics shroud out of the way. It’s that easy. The diagram on the internet to its location is wrong.
The diagram isn’t wrong just difficult to read. It looks like it’s by the exhaust manifold. Enlarge the pic and you will see it’s on the passenger side of the engine lower near the crank pulley.