Yesterday while driving I wanted change radio stations. I have all 12 preset and know about where they are in relationship to each other. I wanted to advance down about halfway and just by chance I held in the button hoping to jump quickly for five down. Instead, when I held it down it peeped and went to the next radio station that he could pick up i.e. a scan. Did not go to the next preset it went to the next scanned radio station. This will be extremely handy when traveling outside my preset radio station area and searching for something to listen to other than what's on my device or saved in the car.
Added (Scan) to the title so that people can find it (and not confuse it with simply go up and down a preset which is what I thought it was when I read the title). Good to know! The Premium & Advanced don't have a tuning knob so the steering wheel shortcut can be handy.