Now since motion is the regenerative energy for the charge that is kinetic energy for the hybrids I have a question, sarcasm is welcome, but I have been drilling this thought I gotta hear what ya'll think bout this. Here it goes,... Lets start off that I was told my rear brakes are at a "3". Okay now, some say time for brakes, this came suddenly. I dont question this because the hills that my darn car has been going up and down in my friends neighborhood are tricky and at 90° angles. No joke. So..back to kinetics, Question; are the main static energy braking mainly come from the rear brakes? And why when the car is in motion, like freeway driving with some upgrade drain the crap out of the main battery in the damn thing is moving? So my wonder of this scientific theory makes little sense with regeneration when braking is minimum at high speeds. My brain is on the drain then. So replacing rear brakes may help with the static regeneration? Curious. And curious more.. I just dont get why the damn car would ever need this big bad a** battery ever replaced. Feed is needed. Dont worry I will "bounce" back. This is my curiosity, i question everything. ♡mypeeus Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The majority of the braking force is from the front brakes; like 70%. Regenerative braking is only on the drive wheels; the front for the Prius. The rear friction brakes might come on before the front friction, but I don't see that being the case with the same hydraulic circuits operating both. How are the front brakes; have they been replaced yet? A slight upgrade at freeway speeds requires more power to maintain speed. The battery may drain fast at those times, but that is better than burning more gas.
I have owned the car for 2 1/2 years . When I purchased it the brakes checked at a 4 1/2 they have stayed the same measurements since my last oil change and suddenly the rear is at a 3. The front at a 4. I asked why the difference since the front are the brakes used at most braking. The answer I got was because I may have been going down steep hills, or parking on them. Which is part accurate, only for 6 months a family member moved to an area on the mountain side. And driving there is a long steep upgrade at freeway speeds. Would high summer heat effect power on the hybrid system at all? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Perhaps time to check the parking brake cable to see if it may need cleaning and lubrication? Certainly the adjustment mechanism. Bob Wilson
Use the B 'gear' on those down grades and you should see less use of the friction brakes. I guess it is possible that the rear shoes have less material than the front pads, and could wear out faster under some conditions.