[font=Arial:aa369ed983] [/font:aa369ed983]At last!! Collecting my Seaside Pearl Prius after a 6-month wait, I've just driven home from Boston to North Carolina. For once I found the horrible journey quite relaxing, averaging 52 mpg and concluding it was worth the wait. I also concluded that Smart Entry is a real bonus, but not that labor saving for locking and unlocking. And what happens if I lose the remote? Or lose both remotes? So I'm thinking of leaving one key in the glove compartment, letting my wife have the other to lock and unlock while I, gallantly but inconveniently, use a mechanical key. Which brings my to the "Autobahn Universal Remote Duplicator." This device claims to be able to copy the frequency of "most" automobile remotes. I'm not sure a Prius comes within the category of "most." Anyone tried this device? Anyone know if works on a Prius? Obviously it could only be for the alarm and for unlocking or locking the doors. But that would be a big help. Anyone know the answer? Thanks for any advice -- and it's great to be -- at long, long last -- a Prius owner.
I suggest giving one key to your wife and keeping the other for yourself. I would not leave one of the keys in the car because if someone breaks in it will be very easy to steal the car; without a key it is very difficult to steal a Prius. If you want a third remote, take one to your dealer and order a duplicate.
You just wait. Once you get used to never having to dig in your pocket for your keys you will wonder how you ever lived without it. Well, exactly the same thing that happens when you lose any car key. It's just more expensive to have a duplicate made. The car can tell if a key fob is inside it. If it senses one it won't let you lock the car with the exterior lock buttons.
I second that recommendation. Don't lose both fobs. If one is lost DO NOT DELAY getting a replacement made for the remaining one as rumor has it it costs thousands of dollars to re-'key' your SE/SS if you don't have an original FOB. If you're REALLY worried about the remote possibility of losing both at the same time then shell out the bucks to buy and have a 3rd remote programmed and then store that in a safety deposit box or somewhere you won't forget that's completely safe.
The same as if you lost the keys to any other car. Quote the key number to MRT, he will open your car and reprogram the ECU and sell you new fobs.
A bit of an exageration :lol: With your 2 fobs there was (should have been) a small bit of metal with a number on it. This number allows MRT to reproduce a new master key. However, If you loose that, it can still be redone. The instructions are on my web site. Replacing the SE/SS system ECU will also force a complete reprogramming od all the keys.