Okay guys I am having a acceleration problem .. Sometimes my car just acts like it doesn't want to get up to speed limit .. Like for example getting onto the highway .. Its like it takes foreverrrr to get to 65mph? .. But my BIGGEST ISSUE : when the air is on , sometimes I push the gas peddle and it doesn't go anywhere at all! I just noticed this problem a couple of weeks ago .. Have had my car three moths bought is at 120k 2007 Hybrid. .. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why only when the air is one sometimes I can be pushing the gas peddle and it won't go anywhere ..? kenya
start by making sure the battery vent grille is clear and clean, and clean your battery cooling fan. is it hot there in the US?
the air uses the most power from the battery pack so you have a weak battery..it takes a long time to recharge with the ac still on so you have reduced power.. you can stay cool or go fast but not both at the same time.. try raising the temp of the ac so its not draining the battery all the time.
I thought that was the case! The battery .. And the the air .. Thanks so much for your advice .. kenya
It is .. Earlier my temperature on the dash read 106 .. So yeah its pretty hot here .. Am I able to do this myself or should I get professional? kenya
Nothing is unusual until the air is on .. Oh well I will add my car makes a rugged noise when I push the gas peddle with or without the air on ..like its stressing to accelerate.. Again that's without the air even on .. And aside from the original issue I have. . kenya
The 2007 (Gen2) does not have selectable modes. Limp mode is when the computer in the car senses that there's something wrong and limits engine power output to limit stress on components (so you can "limp home" instead of having a more serious incident and ending up stuck by the side of the road). I imagine that there would be a check engine light on in that case. It's possible that your main battery is dying, but I'd check a ton of other stuff before that. Also, remember that the Prius is only like 85hp. It's a sloooooow car, Have you checked your tire pressures lately? My car doesn't feel so great if the pressure isn't balanced in the tires or one of them is kind of low. I'd also check the oil level if your engine is kind of loud (which is kinda something everyone should be doing periodically anyway). Good luck.
the intake grille is on the right rear seat back, near the door. make sure it's clear and clean. there's a youtube on how to clean the fan, you'll have to decide if you can handle it or not. at 106 degrees, your car may just be too old and worn to run everything at the same time. do you park it in the sun?
Sounds like an inverter pump issue but the OP says she doesn't have any trouble lights. Are you also hearing a lot of fan noise from the rear seat area at these times?
yes an 07 is 10 years old. they have updated the entire car twice since then.2010 and in 2016. nothing lasts forever, you have to decide how much money you want to put into it and if its not better to get something else.. everything on a prius is very expensive to fix
Awww, c'mon Beach. A 120k mile 2007 Prius has merely reached it's prime. Our blue 2005 with 280k miles still runs like a bat out of He** and just got 49 mpg on a >700 mile round trip last week. My white 2005 with 275k miles (that got wrecked in January) ran perfect and was still consistently hitting 50+mpg on a tank (until that lady liked my lane better than hers). My current Gen 2, a green 2007 with 153k miles, runs like a champ and just finished a tank yesterday at 49.4 mpg. Ten years old with 120k miles is far from worn out. Definitely needs to be diagnosed properly. There is certainly something going on. Weak battery? Maybe so, as the 2007 I currently drive was purchased from the previous owner due to a failed HV battery at 143k. But at this point, we're just guessing. For all we know, the air filter may be clogged with mud and starving the engine. Is there a low power code for that? Also: Kenya, where are you in the US? Are you near Columbia, SC? If you are, I could easily help you out using my techstream software to take a look at your car and HV battery .
unfortunately, we see to be seeing a lot more 10 year old batteries having difficulties at lower mileage than high. or maybe it's just my perception.
wellllll, my 08 at 156,000 miles has been disappointing and if I had to pay for repairs she would have went long ago.. so far, HV battery replace, cooling pump replaced and the latest ABS brake actuator just replaced last week all under warrantee (these items far exceed the value of the car) I just put the 4th 12 volt battery (2nd yellow top) in a few months ago and the HID headlights go out randomly, Id love to replace them with halogen but Id get the warnings from the leveling system.. this month its the passenger side again.. replaced the ballast with a used one for $50 lasted a week and its out again.. water pump has a slight leak and my MFD tells me Im getting 50.6 MPG but the gas gauge says I burned half a tank in 156 miles this weekend......... but other then that its OK but Id never put thousands out of pocket into a 10 year old car.. I think the florida heat is 75% of my problems with her but its just a car and they don't last forever.