I just bought a 2017 Prius 3 Touring and noticed that the edge guard was not installed correctly. It's the film kind. I didn't notice when I received the car last night that the bottom edge was peeling away on the driver side and the passenger door behind the driver. The other doors are stuck on great. Anyway, just wanna make sure that these are indeed edge guard before I go to the dealer again and not something meant to be taken off. Does anyone else have a 2017 Prius with edge guards factory installed?
idk, but i have a feeling they're only there until you buy the car. did your purchase include them as an option?
It did not include it, but they came on all the doors and under the handles as well. They are very thick vinyl strips that are similar to the ones my Prius C had. Maybe I should just take them off? I called the dealer and they said because they had to bring the car from another dealership, that other dealership puts aftermarket edge guards on all their doors and they didn't want to replace them because of that. But they offered to remove them and make sure there's no residue. I might just take them up on that offer.
Use isopropyl alcohol to soften the adhesive and press them back on. A cloth soaked in it works well. It won't harm the paint but will remove any wax on there (on a new car there shouldn't be any wax, but ymmv).
My 2016 only has a small (200mm) piece on the front of the rear wheel arch (I've highlighted the 2 ends).
Mine has the same as Alan. Factory applied. But I've never seen them on the front door edges, as the OP has. The door edge guards the dealer sells are usually an accessory, and black metal. (I think the Prius Chat Shop also sells them).
My 2017 DID come with door edge guards like the OP. I would go to the dealership and have them replace it, it should only take maybe 10 minutes to install a new one. It is there to protect your door in case you slam it open into something. My 2017 also came with paint protection film on the painted part of the mirrors, door handle cups, and the front bumper. My 2015 did as well. I was not sure if this is a Toyota thing or a South East Toyota thing. I suspect you have the same film in the same places.
Too bad they don't come with permanent heavy clear plastic ones that hold up for a long while. Dings on door edges look like crap on such a gorgeous car, and it would cost the manufacturer about two bucks to add them, wouldn't it?
Mine came with it on all four doors and walls behind the handles. Need to keep reminding my five years old not to peel them off but so far they stay up alright. Only wish the ones on the rear doors can cover a little bit lower. When we were finalizing the paperwork, the finance manager came out and wanted extra $299 for this dealer "option". I told them to f*** off (in a nice way).