Does anyone know about this? I have the Prius Eco 2 which I am trading next week back to the dealer for a Prius 4 which has the crappy roller shade. I actually prefer the lighter one on the 2 because it lifts up when you open the hatch. The other kind is clunky and can be a pain to deal with when you're folding down the seats for large cargo.
Yes but you'll need the anchor points for the lightweight tonneau cover to hook onto. The roller-type tonneau cover doesn't have the hooks because that space is where the roller bar is inserted. (near the rear seats)
I only saw the lighter tonneau at an autoshow before the 2016 Prius was released. I don't want you to base your purchase off of me or what other people say, but I REALLY didn't like the lighter tonneau cover. It was cheap, flimsy, and you can't place anything in the trunk without lifting the cover. The heavier one is of great quality and lasts for a long time. The roller tonneau cover hides in a roll when you don't need it and you can take it out if you want.
I will trade you the light one for your roll up one. I've never seen the roll up one but I'd like to give it a try. I will send you all hardware to mount it and same with you.
The only thing is -- we both have to have black interiors. My new interior is black. I assume the tonneau cover will be black also.
I have grey interior with mix black (and the white bath tub of course). But the cover is black so I think it'll work. I'm okay with the stock light cover..just want to try something different.
I have the lightweight cover and was interested in getting the roller shade one. I took a close look at the roller shade one in another Prius on the dealer's lot. The panel molding in the car appears to be identical for the two cars: both have the same depression where the roller shade bar rests. In the middle of this depression is a square hole. The roller shade car has a flat piece fitted into this hole; cars with a lightweight cover have a piece with a "T" hook on the top and a square base which fits into that hole. I assume they clip in somehow. The process came to a screeching halt when I found out that the roller shade assembly would cost $550. Since all I need it for is as a support for oars I carry in the car, I am working on a solution using PVC pipe covered with foam pipe insulation. Probably of zero use for anyone else here.
Ohh I see. I read that sentence differently. After what you said, I re-read it. Guess there were two ways to interpret that sentence
JohnF, can you please help me with maybe a picture of this? i have a 2017 eco and no Tonneau cover. I want one, but not going to pay for the $550 one, so the flimsy one will do. However, i dont have any mounting brackets at all. is what you are describing in the holes in the side molding part #s 2 and 3 on this product picture: I want to buy the cover but want to make sure i buy any necessary pieces with it. see my picture of the cutouts i have. I also have no "hooks" to attach the ropes to the truck so that it raises when i open it. That i think can be fixed by me manually attaching some type of hooks with glue or something, but i am more concerned about buying the right parts to fit into the holes of this side inside of the trunk