I have a 2016 Prius with the rain sensor for the wipers. I have had this car for a year and 3 months. About 4 days ago my wipers just randomly come on and stay on for about 5 to 10 minutes and then go off. This is on a normal day no rain, and no bugs have hit my windshield or birds fly over as the Toyota dealership had suggested. I had the car parked in the yard 2 days ago with the motor running and they randomly came on again , no rain clear day. I have had my car long enough to realize the wipers will come on if its hit by water or bugs. I had it in the Toyota dealership today and they could not find anything wrong with it. They told me if it happens again to bring it in, well I no sooner get 15 minutes down the road and it happens again. Call the dealership and the man tells me to bring it by again tomorrow and they will look it over. This car has 33000 miles on it , there is no tint on the windshield. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I will be taking it back to the dealership tomorrow but I doubt they will do anything again.
Be nice to have it fixed, but in the meantime is there a way to manually disable the rain-sensing option? Go into the "settings" on the big screen, then go to "vehicle", and see if maybe there's an option to turn them off. (I'm still turning on my wipers the old-fashioned way... with two fingers and a switch. ) Have you checked the owner's manual?
I can turn them off and I don't mind doing that , but I would like for Toyota to notice there is a problem and fix the issue. Its actually pretty nice to have them Toyota said they did all the diagnostics they could to it and found no issue. Just wondering if anyone else has had this issue and what was done to fix it.
I agree, they should at least offer an explanation, (or make up one). The guy actually said that "birds flying overhead" would set it off??? I'm sorry, but that makes me laugh.
Mine have occasionally done a single sweep, probably a dozen times in a year, mostly at night - no idea why, unless it detected a bit of fog before I saw it, or maybe an insect - though I'd have expected to see a smear. My only complaint is that sometimes they're slow to react. They'll go quickly into a single sweep or intermittent mode. But if rain suddenly gets heavier, it can take a minute or so (or maybe it just feels like that long) before it speeds them up.
Bugs on the windscreen... And bugs in the "system." (I'm an old guy. Not technically proficient. I'm still trying to figure out this cell phone I bought 6 years ago! That's why I bought one of the more simple Priuses, and avoided all the extra features. Just more electronic gadgets to go bad.)
I assume the dealer was referring to what birds sometimes do to your car when they fly overhead, he was just leaving out the details.
Do you leave your wipers in the 'auto' position? There are five different selections: mist, off, auto, lo, high. Try moving the stalk up one more click. I've had issues with the rain sensing wipers on my four. In the auto position in the rain they work for a time, and then start going faster and faster and faster and...even if it stops raining. I have to turn the wipers to off and reset. Obviously not workIng correctly, but it's a minor annoyance.
It shouldn't be a problem on such a new car, but I heard of an older car with auto wipers and worn blades - thee blades didn't wipe the screen clear, but left like a misty coating - the sensor detected that as it still raining, and kept the wipers on intermittent till it dried off.
Ah, "Rain Sensing Wipers" (as my old Dad would have put it) about as useful as tits on a bull! Just another gew-gaw which I would put in the same category as self-dimming rear-view mirrors, "up-shift" warning lights to help when driving stick-shift - makes me wonder what dumb idea they'll think of next?
Mine used to come on when driving into the underground parking lot at my old apartment. The dealer couldn't explain and said the only test they had for the sensor was a water spray...
Off the subject: Talking about "self-dimming rear-view mirrors" - is there any way to MAKE them dim if they haven't decided to already?
Rain sensing wipers are just another black plastic box glued to the windshield, it has to be reset in the event of a windshield replacement. I'm not happy with mine The auto dimming rear view mirror is another piece of junk. My windshield was recently replaced and the installer messed up my mirror, now its loose and wobbles around. For those of you interested in a hack: I placed black tape over the photo sensor on the front side of the mirror, this makes it go dark. During the day you can turn it off by pressing the off button on the right. I want to take all of this junk off my windshield and replace with a simple rear view mirror. Would this set off alarms?
Only by removing the rear spoiler, or have a torch shining on the light sensor. It seems the spoiler gets between the mirror's sensor and the beam from following headlamps. Design feature or design flaw, your call.
As a motorcyclist, I can tell you from personal experience that water from a/c drains and washing windshields can saturate the air immediately behind a vehicle. My cmax with auto wipers will activate from these but only a wipe or two not like the OP.
I have only ever turned my wipers to 'auto' on any of my cars when it starts raining, this avoids them coming on unexpectedly which could drag the wipers over a dusty screen. Once I finish my journey I put them in the off position, this way I am in charge of when they first start. My feeling is 'auto' just stops me having to turn my wipers from intermittent to continuous to fast etc. etc.
What did you find out? I'm going to try your hack for the auto-dimming rear view mirror. That has never worked well IMO.
Finally got a fix ! When they replaced the windshield there is a sensor pad that has to be replaced and it was not. This causing the wipers to come on randomly. Haven’t had a problem since they fixed it , free of charge because they replaced the windshield originally!