I've had this issue with my buttons being sticky since about week two. I'm sure liquid has gotten in there at one point or another, but it's more likely to be sticky in the morning, and really tough to press the button down, and nearly impossible to get the button to come back up for a little while. Any ideas of cleaning it? As far as making 100%ish sure I don't spill anything I suppose I could stop using that cup holder right there but that aint gonna happen. Anyone else had this issue or have any thoughts on it? Thanks Matt
I can see where a cover for the buttons could be desirable. Out of curiosity are the drinks that are spilling in a lidded container? That is all I use in my car. I haven't had any spills yet but it's only been a few weeks. If this happened to me here is how I would handle this: Disconnect the power perhaps by the fuse since it isn't as straight forward as popping the positive battery lead. Others may have better ideas since I'm new to the Prius family. 1 retrieve several cotton swabs like q-tip and isopropyl alcohol from the medicine cabinet 2 wet the swab and get it to where it is damp but not dripping and start working the edges of the buttons to clean them up. Alcohol evaporates quickly and has generally always been safe on my electronics but I still try to avoid drips/saturation. 3 look at the owner's manual or shop manual to see if the panel or buttons can be popped loose and clean thoroughly. That would be my process. Good luck! W
My 2010 Prius also has a sticky power button. The dealership cannot find the problem even when they keep the car overnight. I'm still looking for a solution.
Mine also was slow to move and I don't think anything got into hole. I only had the odd coke. Fixed mine by selling 'V' . This was another item deemed "normal" as switch still worked.
My golden has stood on the buttons and got sand on them. They don't work all the time but at least they are not stuck on power. About two months ago they stuck from Pine pollen because we left the windows opened during a pollen Haboob that happens here in the mountains. Is there any covers that anybody has used?
There's a thread in here somewhere which tells you how to remove the buttons, clean them, and put them back. Good as new. I've got to clean mine since my wife overfilled a cola and it dribbled out the top around the straw, down the side, and into the buttons. What I remember is simple: 1. open storage compartment door 2. grab the cup holder in the front and back and pull up. It will require a bit of force, but it will come off 3. Pull button assembly up out of console and disconnect electrical cable 4. Using screwdriver, remove circuit board from bottom of button assembly and you will have access to the buttons. You should be able to easily clean them. Reassemble in revers order. I've read it works great. On a similar note, I once had to clean the right cupholder in the dash for the same phenomenon. That was a bit larger job but fairly easy to do.
Any write ups for getting to that passenger side cup holder? Mine is busted. NVM, I found your other post. If you're talking about the cup holder in the dash panel, then I might be able to help. My wife spilled cola on it and it eventually got so gummy that it would not extend all the way on its own. Here is what I did: 1. Open upper storage compartment 2. Open lower storage compartment (some call it the glove box.. but who drives with gloves anymore) 3. Remove extension damper from lower compartment drawer a. When fully extended, gently slide it off the pin on the drawer. It will come off fairly easily 4. Let lower drawer open fully to the floor 5. This step may be omitted but I found things a bit easier if I didn't omit it a. Remove thin panel to the right of the lower storage compartment. It will pull straight out. It will require a bit of a struggle. 6. Remove dash piece that contains cup holder. It too will pull straight out. A bit of force will be necessary, but it snaps out 7. Remove cup holder from dash piece by removing screws holding it on. Clean the cup holder any way you want. I added a touch of moly grease just to keep thing smooth. You only need to use a tiny bit (dab) of grease... dont overdo it. Reinstall in reverse order.
Here is a video I found on how to replace them. Mine were not only sticky, but they broke and fell into the console while i was trying to clean them!! AH. Looking at buying the part and finding a cheaper mechanic to just install, because Toyota wants $90 just for the diagnosis.