Hi everyone, I just wanted to get some opinions on the standard fit JBL system in the Prius. We've had ours for about 18 months now and wasn't until the last 3-4 months that I've been driving it regularly and I've noticed that the sound system is, how can I put it, a bit rubbish! I'm definately expecting better low and high ranges from a JBL system as it just sounds very tinny or flat no matter how I adjust the settings, bass is practically non-existent. Does anyone else have the same issue? Is this what's it's supposed to sound like? Shoud there be a seperate sub/woofer that I should look for? Cheers
It’s not a very good system. But you should still have bass and highs. Maybe you have burned tweeters and/or door speakers with broken surrounds? For a sound quality unplugging the center speaker will help a bit.
Thanks valde3, I know I haven't cooked the speakers, maybe the previous owners have?! Listening to them though, there's no distortion or anything, it just sounds bad quality. Is the centre speaker the one in the middle of the dash? Found a thread on replacing the stock speakers which seemed to help the OP there, will have to investigate and see what the cost would be.
Listen the speakers closely that all of them tweeters and woofers do play and none of them have distortion. Yes center speaker is the one on top of the dash.
Just to update, I have checked the speakers and they haven't blown. I've come to the conclusion that it's just a bad set up, may look into speaker upgrade after I get some tinting done. As a side note, I cranked the volume up past 30 (not much past) and there's a slight thump of bass but it's unconfortably loud at that level, for me anyway! No distorion at that level, I suspect it could go higher. Tried it with various tracks, all MP3's at 320kbps, one or two at 192kbps and a couple of flaq conversions but to no avail. With these tracks I get a proper low rumble and thump in the standard audio set up in my other car. Ho hum.
Need your thoughts guys. Finally went to an audio specialist today to get some ideas about upgrading the speakers, after lots of listening and umming he suggested that the only remedy to my problem (lack of low end) would be to line the doors with some dynamat stuff. I asked if a change of speakers would be a more efficient use of my money to which the answer was no. I was expecting/hoping to resolve this issue with a set of new speakers in the rear doors, one with a better low frequency capability and a higher sensitivity. I've seen some component sets around the $150 mark and even some 2-ways for $40. The price the chap wants for fitting the matting is $300+!! Question is, is he right, or can I get better low end sound by simply replacing the speakers? Thanks
He’s probably right. Unless you want to install a subwoofer. And JBL system doesn’t really work with any other speakers anyways. So if you want to change the system it’s better to install new head unit and connect speakers to it or install aftermarket amplifier. But sound deadening doors is very easy if you just use good material so why not do that? And even if you then end up replacing the system, sound deadening the doors will still improve the sound at least as much.
Wow. Wasn't expecting anyone to go with the matting hahaha, I was hoping for the cheaper alternative. Looks like I may as well give that a go eh? Went to get a second opinion at another car stereo shop today and they didn't even bother to listen to the set up, just straight off the bat suggested adding a sub for $500. Thanks valde3, I'll explore the dynamat option.
I have used some cheaper but still good quality sound deadening mat for many cars (not a Prius though) and newer had any problems with it. You can get them for cheaper than any useful speakers. Brand names probably won’t help you as they have changed and ordering heavy stuff from far away doesn’t really make sense.
If you want a really good understanding on the JBL system, read this: Prius JBL Audio system response, specs, and photos You will get a bit better bass response if you seal the door interiors using hardboard and sound damping material. Here's a pic of my rear door where I did this. The key is to close off all openings, creating a nearly sealed enclosure for the speaker. Just putting sound dampening material without enclosing the speaker will result in almost no difference in bass output. Don't spend money on Dynamat unless you're sound deadening a $30k+ car. Look on Amazon for Noico. It's 95% as good and much much lower cost. However a better solution for bass is to add a subwoofer. Most amplifiers have a "high-level" or similar input, where it can take the signal directly from the speakers. You tap the rear speakers as inputs for the subwoofer amplifier. I agree that the JBL sound system sucks. I'm completely aftermarket at this point. If bass is your top priority, I'd go for a subwoofer first. You can always upgrade the rest of the system later.
Thanks Kevin and valde3 for your input, unfortunately I took the plunge and had the dynamat fitted. Disappointed to report that although there's a slight improvement, it's not given me the desired results. I now have to wait a few month before I can approach the subject again and have a pair of subs or maybe low end responsive components fitted into the rear doors. A bit of me feels that I should have gone down this route first, but having discussed my problem with a couple of car audio places, the mats seemed more cost effective and appropriate. You live and learn as they say, onwards and upwards for the next simple mods on the car, interior LED's, sharkfin aerial and those window things(weathershields). Will also give the tinting a go when have full function in my leg again. Thanks all. BTW. How do you guys get the shop here to deliver outside of the US? I've emailed the shop but they haven't replied.