My car told me I have achieved 3 levels of achievement for driving: Eco Master, Eco Warrior, Eco Expert. Not sure what all that means but probably not a discount or cash returned.
What, you didn't get your three $1000 checks for your Eco Awards!!?? Why, I would speak to the powers that be and pursue this!!, har, har! They must be held for you at DJT Truth and Fairness headquarters in Washington DC!! .
Hmm ... it looks like another marketing attempt from a fcar maker (Toyota) to try to make you play with the Dashboard App.... and stay subscribed to their online services. In my opinion it is just a toy. - brings almost no value. All those ECO scores are... app scores - nothing more. If one like to play TOYOTA's Pokemon like app.. go for it. I am not going to manage my driving habits to compete with other Dashboard users.... have a Good One! cheers
Me too, have been for a 11 years, (when I came to my senses). And have also been called a crippled snail.
haters gonna hate. i drive the speed limit, and the people behind me appreciate it when we go by a speed trap.
Sunday morning it is foggy as heck on I-75 but my radar dynamic cruise control was working perfectly and I was following someone doing ~75 mph when a big Caddy SUV zooms past. So my Prius Prime slipped behind and paced on dynamic cruise control, through the fog at ~85 mph. After about 5 min with no luck shakin' the 'tailgating' Prius, he slowed down. Yes, the BMW i3 taught me all sorts of bad driving habits but I take wicked delight using dynamic cruise control to be the high-speed Prius tailgater. Bob Wilson
When I drive slowly, I anger the driver behind me. When I drive quickly, I anger the wife next to me.
Many times people have passed me but I seem to catch them at a light or backed up why be in a hurry?