We were one of the Automotive X-Prize teams that made it to the final five, had a Prius based drive system with two 12kW packs coupled with David’e eLithion spoofed BMS… One of our cars was donated / sent to the Peterson Museum in Los Angeles, others to a collector in Louisiana and this pack is all that remains of the five battery packs. We acquired this one from a now disbanded group in Newport Beach, CA back in 2009, and it was removed this past summer from a car. We are looking to let the single pack and other miscellaneous items go for a new project, a lab, school... your Prius. The pack of 40 Ahr, 76 each cells is approximately sitting at 85% SOC. We have a charger, BMS, vehicle plug-in receptacle, a Prius power disconnect, amp sensors, BMS laptop interface cable and charger interface power supply box, and will let it all go for $3,000 plus shipping. It would be great for someone or some school’s first project. There is also an electric steering column and shifter too. Or, please pass along any leads. Thx.
No this is not a stock Toyota Plug in Prius 4.4 kWhr (PiP) battery. This is the same pack that all of the top Prius Li Battery plug-in conversion companies were installing. It is approximately 12 kWhr which, depending on your driving speed, gets you 20 miles down the road in 100% electric, keeping the SOC up for a pack longer life. Our opinion though is that you primarily drive in hybrid mode instead, and with just hyper-miling skills get 75+mpg. Thus, less charging cycles, elect motor demand... For the price, which includes the charger, BMS, is already wired with all the balancing boards..... is in my opinion a great way for an EE, hobbyist, car nut like us to get their feet wet and learn.