Just went to a large community g-sale. I parked in front of one house that had the same dark grey Prius that I have, only not PIP. Lady says, 'Hey nice car choice'. Just then yet another dark grey one pulls up. She hollars "Prius party". I mention that mines a plug in. Their faces go blank. I get to brag and explain. "Really, 90 mpg?", Yep, I take a lot of short trips." Now that they are partially educated, I bet they now look at their cars differently. BTW if any of you all go g-sailing, it's amazing for that. Since the engine turns off when we stop, I never actually shut it down, as long as I'm within eyeball distance.
Not shutting down will allow you to go without going through the warm up stage every time. I do that just to keep the ac running Good for stops under 10 minutes
Plus it freaks people out when you get in your car and are moving away within seconds, silently...like a ninja