Adaptive cruise control / safety sense issue

Discussion in 'Prime Main Forum (2017-2022)' started by xvs, Jul 6, 2017.

  1. Prius from Dad

    Prius from Dad Senior Member

    Oct 5, 2012
    Toms River, NJ USA
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    I totally agree!
  2. xvs

    xvs Member

    Aug 29, 2009
    san francisco
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    One other point: I bought this car for several reasons, but the main reason for buying this rather than a much less expensive used plug-in or standard Prius 3 was because I wanted these "safety" features: DRCC, Lane Departure Alert with Steering Assist and Safety Stop.

    I believed Toyota's advertising, and made a purchase decision based on that. If the features don't actually operate and aren't safe to be used for the advertised purpose in the advertised way, that amounts to false advertising in my view, and makes me question why I bought the car.

    So the question of "does it or can it be made to operate as advertised?" is very important to me. If it doesn't and can't, I think Toyota owes me a refund. And if anyone is injured using the system as they advertise it can be used, Toyota may be facing a serious liability exposure, regardless of the disclaimers buried in the manual: a "reasonable person" would expect that products can be used as advertised.

    I don't want to dilute this thread with other discussions, but I find the Lane Departure Alert with Steering Assist to be basically useless too: I haven't noticed any steering assist at all.
    ttait and uber2016 like this.
  3. Krzysiek_KTA

    Krzysiek_KTA Active Member

    Mar 28, 2017
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    I agree to some extent with you. Nevertheless I tend to explore the features and plus and delta of this car's features before I decide to change my mood on perception of the car. It is indeed very nice piece of car, regardless of it's limitations of the features provided
    more we learn what we have in our hands better we are gonna be. Nothing can replace the driver if other drivers are driving the vehicles around....
    All those bells and whistles are nice to have, but won't work as advertised. They are nothing else than just marketing strategy since nothing can replace the driver if other drivers are driving the vehicles around....
    I believe exchanging the experiences here and collecting those might eventually help the Prime to improve.. if Toyota is willing to listen to the feedback. And if there are grounds to build the case that Prime does not perform as advertised - that is even better :)
    Prius from Dad likes this.
  4. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus

    We'll have to agree to disagree about this:
    There are different 'cognitive styles', ways to thinking about how things work. We've seen this in the past with VW TDI drivers who buy a Prius and just can't get the mileage they expected. Regardless of how many suggestions and offers to help including test drives by Toyota representatives, they can't get the mileage expected. In effect, their unstoppable customer expectation and driving style meets the reality of the Prius rock.

    My recommendation is replace your car as soon as possible and buy something else. You will never be happy with it even though I remain throughly delighted with mine. So I won't be joining your call for action against Toyota. BTW, there is no 'line item' for TSS-P so you can't claim a specific financial loss. Fortunately, you have alternatives.

    The Tesla Model 3 are in production so you might go for one of those. Alternatively, Hyundai Ioniq and the Chevy Volt both have versions of adaptive cruise control that might match your expectations. I have no experience with the Hyundai, Chevy, or Tesla systems. One warning, we also have a 2014 BMW i3-REx with an optically based system. It works like the Prime although not as reliably as the Toyota radar unit.

    It sounds like you need to let your Prius Prime go the used car market to find a new home. If you want a Toyota, previous model year Toyotas can be bought without TSS-P like a 2016 Prius Level 2 ECO. Talk to the dealer and you might yet get a deal.

    Bob Wilson
    #44 bwilson4web, Jul 9, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2017
    alexcue, Bob Comer and Prius from Dad like this.
  5. Krzysiek_KTA

    Krzysiek_KTA Active Member

    Mar 28, 2017
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Bob, your point towards @xvs is valid, but I'd not discourage to continue to own Prime. Being the contend owner of the line of the TDI cars over last two decades I can tell Prime is surprisingly good car - performance wise (sic!). I think approach to put pressure on toyota to improve 'over advertised car' makes a point.
    Anyway @xvs : my advice play with this car and see what you can/ can't live with and go from there.
    I was in your place a moth after buying the cat, got frustrated, and.... I keep it and try to get moost out of it.

  6. xvs

    xvs Member

    Aug 29, 2009
    san francisco
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    Bob and others, the only kind of advice I am soliciting here is advice about how to make features work better. The one piece of advice in this thread so far along those lines was to use Power mode rather than Eco mode.

    I am not looking for advice about whether or not to expect a feature to actually work as advertised, or whether or not I should keep the car. That's unhelpful and patronizing, as is saying "Go buy a Tesla".

    My expectation is that if it's advertised that the DRCC is useful for congested slow and stopping traffic, as Toyota does advertise, it should work in such a situation safely and not unexpectedly turn off and lunge forward.

    I would submit that people who believe that it's silly to expect features to work as advertised and reckless to try using them in the situations where they are advertised to work, are not being helpful but are instead merely being easily satisfied fanboys and apologists for the Company.

    The question is: is this an Enthusiast forum where no critical discussion is tolerated, or is it an Informational forum, in which we can discuss issues and potential solutions?
    ttait and KCWhitney like this.
  7. Since2002

    Since2002 Senior Lurker

    Nov 12, 2011
    Duluth, GA
    2006 Prius
    I see some analogies with standard cruise control, which has been around for decades but seemed to become more standard in the 1980's and 90's. Besides being a convenience feature, cruise control offered something in the way of increased safety by reducing driver fatigue on long trips, and it also allowed the driver to concentrate more on their surroundings by eliminating the need for constantly glancing down at the speedometer.

    However cruise control came with a catch - it is not safe in wet or icy conditions, high traffic situations, or when the highway makes a sharp bend which may require a reduction in speed (the last point is more common on two-lane highways not interstates). Since the system is unable to determine current driving conditions (maybe some high end cars do now), it is up to the driver to know when it is safe to engage cruise control, and they also need to be ready to quickly switch cruise control off when driving conditions change.

    To compare with the current situation, it would be as if in 1980 Toyota was touting it's cruise control system and claiming that it can be used in virtually all driving conditions. But then on the "CressidaChat" forum, owners started reporting that cruise control did not work well at all in the above mentioned situations, and in fact seemed dangerous. In my hypotheical discussion, I am sure other commentators would point out that the Cressida owners manual specifically states not to use cruise control in those situations.

    Back to the current situation, DRCC potentially offers additional safety benefits, by reducing the need to constantly stare at the car in front of you. Certainly you need to keep that car in your focus, but it's easier to be aware of your entire 360 degree surroundings when DRCC is helping you to maintain safe distance with the car in front of you. However like standard cruise control, the driver needs to be aware of conditions where DRCC should not be used, regardless of what Toyota marketing says. With all of Toyota's recent emphasis on safety this seems like a bit of a communication slipup that they need to straighten out.
  8. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Well I'd say perhaps learning when we can use fullstop DRCC and what its limitations are is probably more important. Toyota can write all the legal literature it wants but there's always someone that's going to find a loophole.

    For example, when it brought Advanced Guidance Parking System to the Lexus LS460 (or Intelligent Parking Assist in Toyota speak). It was meant to assist and you had to position the car properly. However, there are many YouTube videos from dealers and journalists that try to park it without understanding the limitations of the system and obviously couldn't park it "perfectly" or had to make a lot of onscreen adjustments to the box before pressing "OK". (The 2010 Prius' system with Pre-Support function tried to help with the position of the car).

    Anyway, so back to DRCC. I was reading your post and there's no way the current system installed in the Prius/Prius Prime can detect an erratic driver that changes lanes at the last minute, letting you approach the 2nd car ahead. Should it have detected it faster? Probably but whatever software or hardware Toyota used doesn't allow it to do so.

    So, with that in mind, I took the Gen 4 out yesterday to dinner. There was heavy traffic on a bridge and parkway where there are no intersections until the parkway ends up on a main street (6-lanes). This would've been perfect for DRCC as I just set the speed to the speed limit (never reached it of course because of heavy volume) but it did its job. Granted, I didn't have people changing lanes impatiently so I was able to cruise that 1-2 miles without touching the pedals. Traffic came to a stop about 6-7 times so I had to inch the car up a little bit (DRCC, as you know, stops quite a bit behind even at 1 bar) but other than that, it worked as advertised. I had my foot over the brake as the parkway curves so I wanted to ensure there was no funny business. Traffic was moving at less than 10 mph. In my Gen 3, I would've been either riding the brakes (it's a downhill from the peak of the bridge through the parkway to the main street).
    uber2016 and Since2002 like this.
  9. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    What? A place called PriusChat might have 'enthusiasts?'

    The word "refund" might have suggested no interest in working with us about how the car works.

    If grading the Prius in TSS-P, I would give it a B. It could be better but don't let perfect be the enemy of good enough.

    I'm thumb posting which makes a technical discussion difficult. So lets chat later about specific technical issues and how to effect a change.

    Bob Wilson
  10. xvs

    xvs Member

    Aug 29, 2009
    san francisco
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    Thanks Since 2002 and Tideland, this is the sort of constructive discussion I hope and expect to happen here.

    I do agree that the DRCC is very handy when it works, reduces cognitive load, and makes driving safer. But if it can't be relied upon all those advantages are lost.

    This thread began with a very specific case in which the DRCC appeared to operate in an unsafe and buggy manner. Other people confirmed that they also experienced this bug. To restate, this bug is:

    CASE 1:

    - Driving with DRCC set to a higher speed than current speed
    - There is a preceding car which DRCC is following, and another car immediately in front of that car
    - Preceding car abruptly changes lanes

    - DRCC causes the car to lurch forward and appear to be about to hit the car which is now preceding
    - No messages, beeps or warnings are given

    If this is being experienced several people here, it is very likely to be a bug and is something which could be and must be corrected via a software update. The expected operation is:

    - DRCC should not accelerate until it can determine the distance and speed of the new preceding car
    - If the new preceding car is moving slower than the previous preceding car and the distance will become less than the set following distance, the DRCC should apply braking force.

    We also identified 2 other cases where DRCC seems to have a bug that should be fixed with a program update:

    CASE 2:

    - Driving with DRCC, following a preceding car (probably with DRCC set to a higher speed than current speed)
    - Preceding car changes lanes
    - There is no car within a short distance in front of the car now

    - DRCC shuts off with "No preceding car" warning

    - DRCC is supposed to work with or without a preceding car. In this case, DRCC should simply accelerate to the set speed.

    CASE 3:

    - Driving with DRCC in slow traffic following a preceding car with DRCC set to a higher speed than current speed
    - Another car merges into the lane between the Prius Prime and the preceding car

    - DRCC applies too much braking force (more force than necessary to slow sufficiently to avoid hitting the merging and new preceding car).
    - This can cause the following car to have to apply brakes heavily to avoid rear-ending the Prius Prime, or could cause them to rear-end collide

    - DRCC should brake enough to avoid hitting the preceding car, and then continue at a slow speed to gradually increase the distance to the set following distance
    ttait likes this.
  11. xvs

    xvs Member

    Aug 29, 2009
    san francisco
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    bwilson4web and others who have nothing constructive to add to the discussion, please refrain from posting here.
  12. kevinwhite

    kevinwhite Active Member

    Jun 10, 2006
    Los Gatos Ca
    2017 Prius
    I haven't seen behavior quite the same as described. There are some deficiencies that I have also seen on other manufacturer's systems, both optical and radar based.

    One significant system issue is that the radar does not have any vertical discrimination so they cannot respond to just anything in front of the car as it may be a bridge or traffic signal above the road. As a result the system only responds to objects that have a speed of at least a few miles per hour. As far as I know all manufacturer's systems are similar - I believe this played a part in the death of the Tesla driver using Autopilot.

    This is a problem with the cut-out situation where the preceding car turns into a left exit lane exposing a stationary or slow moving car in front - this car will be invisible so the Prius will speed up. In the few situations where I had the courage to let the Prius proceed the AEB has kicked in and brought the car to sudden halt.

    The other situation where the preceding car turns to the left or right and the systems disengages with "No Preceding Car" message is working as designed. There seems to be a threshold speed of about 28mph below which the car will not accelerate in this case. I assume the thinking is that it would be dangerous to just accelerate from low speed just because the system lost sight of the preceding car as there could be other reasons causing that.

    The power mode affects the acceleration when following - you will probably see the Hybrid indicator showing that the acceleration just reaches the maximum ECO level. Normal and Power give progressively more acceleration.

  13. Since2002

    Since2002 Senior Lurker

    Nov 12, 2011
    Duluth, GA
    2006 Prius
    Aw, and you were doing so well up until then.

    Bob is in fact a constructive contributor, known for fact based rather than opinion based comments. I think he was merely responding, somewhat civility actually, to your statements that Toyota owes you a refund if they don't deliver as advertised with this feature, and he was just being realistic that if that's how you feel you might as well take that path. In my opinion DRCC deficiencies are not going be solved by a software patch, but likely only through refinement that may not be seen until future models, perhaps even requiring improved hardware. In the meantime the safest bet is to follow the warnings in the owners manual, or at least proceed very cautiously while learning the limitations.

    My only experience with DRCC is with a rented Infiniti a few months ago, in fact I posted my experience at the time and expressed my concern about how it reacted to a car pulling between me and the car in front of me. I felt like it took way to long for the system to recognize what was happening and I realized that in those situations I needed to quickly take over to avoid a dangerous situation.

    Over time I think we will get more feedback as people try different settings which might improve things in some situations. But what if we find that one setting helps in one situation but another setting is needed for other situations? That would only confirm that this feature should be considered as one that is still in early stages and should be used accordingly.
    Bob Comer likes this.
  14. Elektroingenieur

    Elektroingenieur Senior Member

    Jan 8, 2017
    2016 Prius
    Three Touring
    Clearly there is room for improvement, but I’ve found the DRCC system easier to use with the vehicle-to-vehicle distance set to Long, the greatest of the three choices, giving more reaction time if another driver does something unexpected, or if the system operates in an unacceptable way.
    It would be interesting to know the speed at which this happens; according to the Owner’s Manual, cancellation is expected when the “preceding vehicle leaves the lane when your vehicle is following at a vehicle speed below approximately 25 mph (40 km/h).”

    Readers interested in the technicalities of adaptive cruise control systems may wish to refer to the SAE J2399, ISO 15622, and ISO 22179 industry standards. J2399 has an extensive bibliography on the human factors issues, which are substantial and, if experience in aviation is any guide, likely to get worse as driver-assistance capabilities increase. (If you’ve seen “Children of the Magenta,” raise your hand.)
  15. xvs

    xvs Member

    Aug 29, 2009
    san francisco
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    Thanks for the comment, but I don't think this is correct. The radar and camera should be able to detect objects in the way, whenever they appear. If the system doesn't behave as it should based on this input data, the problem is with the programming of the system, and it can certainly be corrected with improved software.

    If the radar couldn't detect a stationary object, the safety stop wouldn't work.

    Here's an example (from a Tesla) showing that its system, at least, can detect a sudden object in the way (14 seconds):
  16. xvs

    xvs Member

    Aug 29, 2009
    san francisco
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    Thanks for the references and comment.

    The problem with setting the distance at Long is that this encourages cars to merge suddenly in front of you, cutting you off and, as we see, confusing the system.

  17. Sam Spade

    Sam Spade Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    2017 Prius c
    No I did not.
    I said that doing the things that you want to do is irresponsible and dangerous.....given the current state of the technology.
    I agree that the advertising is misleading and dangerous, given the instructions in the manual.
  18. Sam Spade

    Sam Spade Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    2017 Prius c
    What exactly is an "arbitrary tone" ??
    And who appointed YOU to define the purpose of the forum ?
  19. Krzysiek_KTA

    Krzysiek_KTA Active Member

    Mar 28, 2017
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Nevertheless at lover speeds and in dense traffic reducing the DRCC separation distance and changing the drive mode benefits the overall performance of the system (it better follows the traffic)
  20. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    Guess that puts me in good company. <GRINS>

    If you'll click on my user icon to the left, there is an "Ignore" option that will shield you from comments by me or anyone else you choose. IMHO, a good thing for all parties. For example, my current 'ignore user' list has four entries which makes five of us very happy.

    BTW, this is not a 'hide me from' option but rather the middle primate option:
    Your postings remain available for comment and of course, entertainment. The 'hide me from' option is found at:

    Bob Wilson
    #60 bwilson4web, Jul 10, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2017
    Bob Comer and joachimz like this.