Hey All, I got my stickers last week and I know you are "supposed" to put on all 4 stickers. However, I often see cars with just the back right 2 stickers. (I'm in SoCal). Other SoCal folks, do you also have just the back right stickers? I ended up putting on the 3 stickers in the back. But I have yet to put the 1 sticker in the front, because honestly, it looks so nice up front without the stickers. Has anyone run into issues with the front sticker missing? Ever gotten pulled over? etc?
Hm.. I only have the two small stickers on mine. One on the front drivers side where @joachimz has his, and the other one on the rear passenger's side on the black plastic trim. Didn't know you needed all 4 ? The DMV directions indicate placement of large and small stickers but don't actually say you need all 4 (unless I missed something).
Yeah, it was quite confusing. And driving around, I've seen some cars with 2 stickers, some with 3, and some with all 4. I asked 2 cops and they said the 2 in the back were fine as long as they could see them. I added the 3rd to be safe, and for now will keep the 4th in my glovebox. I just dont want to put it on the front for some reason haha.
Yeah I really want to avoid putting that large one on the right rear bumper. Most CHP motorcycle officers split the carpool and number 1 lane while they are eyeballing vehicles so I would assume they would see my smaller sticker on the rear bumper before getting close enough to look through my window (and see the right rear bumper). We'll see I guess.
Just the small sticker on the black plastic portion of the rear bumper near the right side. Not over the small square punch out, though, in case I need access in the future. Did not put the big sticker on the rear right fender. I assume any CHP coming up on the car from behind will easily see the sticker on the rear bumper. Plus it appears the CHP rarely checks any of the cars in the HOV lane for occupants or sticker.