So my wife was out with the SUV and I wanted to take our two huskies on a hike. Never had them in the Prius before, and we usually put them in the trunk (or boot). But one of the dogs has a habit of climbing through small openings to come up all the way to the front seat, which made dog barrier a necessity in all cars. I do have an adjustable kind that gets held in place by pressure. But it occurred to me: maybe I can flip up the tonneau cover and create a barrier. It worked beautifully. Of course, you can't see out back anymore, but for short distances, it works out just fine. Just an FYI...
Where did you anchor their harnesses to? I've smaller (non-shedding) dogs, so they go on a waterproof blanket on the back seat anchored to the seat belt buckle.
The Trim Two has a fabric cover with a wire frame around it. The cover raises when the hatch door is opened. Here is an image from a dealer parts listing.