Each morning backing out of my parking spot I hear a 'clunk' sound coming from what I believe are the front brakes. This happens just as I'm releasing pressure form the brake pedal with the car in reverse. This is the only time during the day when this happens – no sound when backing at other times, just first thing in the morning. Has anyone else experienced this or know what is occurring? Thanks
i am facing a similar noise issue while braking.. did you get it solved? if so, can you tell me what you did? thanks..
It just could be the brakes grabbing on the disk or drum when cold. As it warms up, the strange noise is gone.
^^ what he said, the regenerative braking really does most of the work! it took me 5 stops from 60 km/hr to fully clean off the rust! holy cow i had that much?!!!? the rear builds up more rust you can imagine, the fronts clean off quickly if you don't want to do that, there's always a rear brake service at toyota
I've had my prius for almost 5 years and recently, after being parked for a while, when I reverse it makes a loud clunk sound. I stopped using the manual brake but this made no difference. This only happens when I'm backing up. I took it to the toyota shop and they were clueless, claiming they had never heard of such a thing. 8 hours later, they claimed it was "normal" and pretty much, have a nice day. I can't imagine that this if what I get for this kind of money. Any suggestions?
My 2006 with 125k started making a clunk sound which could be felt under your feet when first applying the brake. It almost felt like a rod on a cam releases when you touch the pedal and it contacts something with a "clunk". It seems like it started immediately after a panic stop where I really mashed the pedal. The clunk also seems random and doesn't happen every time the brake is applied but it happens 80% of the time and 99% the first time after the car is started. The car now has 128k miles on it with no service in between the time the clunk started, and for the last 500-1000 miles, the clunk has disappeared.
I should mention that the clunk I had was not rusty brakes and it was when moving forward. I am 100% positive it was occurring right at the pedals inside the engine bay.
Were you ever able to figure out what this was? Mine started doing this a while back, causing me to think that it was exclusively a bad CV axle. However, even after replacing the axle it is still making this metallic "CLUNK" in the EXACT same manner that you have described. I am about to go crazy trying to figure this out...
Hi There! Exactly same issue I had and exactly same CV axle idea came to my mind. And it disappeared like other people have said. I haven’t had this issue last 800mi but my curiosity doesn’t let me forget about it. I wish I could find out