...that when parking somewhere, you only need hit the Power button and the Parking button engages? Saves a step.
I don't like doing the power only button because if the car didn't shut down, you'll be in gear and when take your foot off the brake and can possible hit something.
That is a possibility. In fact, I came close to doing that once. But I never just take my foot off the brake and get out. I wait to see the display go dark and feel it rock against the lock before I remove my foot. Probably a good practice even if you do hit the park button first. Either way requires discipline. In either case, if you get too distracted, there is a risk and the risk is a little higher if you don't take that extra step of hitting the Park button. So, good point. But, if I'm going to be looking through the HSI info screens before I shut it off, I always put it in park because I'm lazy and also so I don't have a brain fart and forget to shut it off.
Not sure about the gen3s, but in gen2 you can put it into park even if you're still going 1mph. The car never fails to go into park. But to power down skipping the park button, you would need to be at a full complete stop for a full second, or it won't shut down. Taking my foot off the brake would put a nice car size hole in my garage if I ever was in a rush to exit and go pee. I'd probably just make it a habit to press park before shutting down.
Nothing wrong with that! That is absolutely the safest method. I've never tried to power down or put it in park before a complete stop. I guess that's drilled into me from the days when we all HAD to put it in park to shut down.
i have forgotten to shut down now and then. fortunately, the 3 beeps when you close the door are unmistakeable, unlike the low gas warning or blinkers.
I do, if I'm putting the front up on a jack or if I'm parking on a steep slope. Some use it all the time.