anyone using iridium plugs in their prius? 60k on our 2011 and i am going to change plugs. two techs from two different dealers (toyota and lexus) said to use iridium. tell me about you experience
No doubt their markup is higher on "premium" plugs. There is no good reason to spend more money on plugs that are more expensive than what the OEM recommendation is. Especially if you are going to change them again (maybe) before the recommended interval. Despite the marketing claims, a spark plug is a spark plug and the main advantage of "rare metal" electrodes is longer life. P.S. While it may not be "necessary" to change the plug before 120K miles, I personally don't feel good about leaving them in there much past 5 years or 70K miles. Sometimes corrosion can happen making them difficult to remove.
... which is iridium ... ... longer life is part of the story; you can see the other part if you grab a caliper and measure the electrode diameter and compare. A non-iridium electrode would have a short life indeed if you tried to make it that skinny, and the voltage out of a Prius igniter was chosen with that electrode shape and gap in mind. ... and speaking of gap, another little PSA, don't try to gap the iridium plugs. They should be correct out of the box, and the electrodes aren't built to bend/pry in the field. -Chap
While that sounds logical it really doesn't make any sense. Once you have them OUT you might as well put NEW ones back in. Spread over 50,000 miles or so, the cost really isn't much.
it's funny, some people agree, and others will travel to the end of the earth to save a dollar on an air filter.
Torque is 15 ft/lb with dry threads. Toyota makes no mention of anti-seize. My inclination is to put anti-seize on very sparingly, and reduce torque to 13 ft/lb. Socket size is 9/16" or 14mm. I've used 9/16", but I guess 14mm is kosher, and slightly tighter too. For sure watch @NutzAboutBolts spark plug video; there's a LOT of wrenching required, just for access.
Mine were all iridium. IIRC, the manual specifies iridium. Changed the wife's '07 at 118k miles, but they looked almost new. Changed my previous '05 at about 148k miles and three looked perfect and one showed minor wear.
that wasn't for you, i always think it's funny when the correct answer is provided in the second post, but we just go on for days and weeks with various iterations. especially when the o/p never returns. doesn't happen over on ionique chat. that's what is so endearing hear, and one of many reasons why we can't leave.
LOL!! We like to beat those dead horses till they finally get back up. And we have mastered the fine art of digression.
nobody actually owns one, we're all just pretenders. in fact, i'm not sure there really is such a car. it might just be a subversive korean plot.