My 2012 with 103k started exhibiting this growling/whining noise a couple of thousand miles ago. It is totally vehicle speed dependent (not engine speed), does not changes with cornering, A/C, or anything else and is only marginally dependent on load. It doesn't sound like tires - I'm well familiar with those kinds of sounds. The dealer just charged me over $600 to replace a right rear bearing (also rear discs for yet more money, but that's different story) but the sound is no different. Dealer says the right front is also bad though not as much, but I'm putting that off till next month. In my gut this doesn't sound like a bearing problem to me - especially since the sound is no better after replacing the worse of the two. Does anybody know if these are PM motors, or wound field motors? I'm wondering if there is a possibility of partial demagnetization. Does anybody else have experience of this problem and solution?
motors would be very unusual. try rotating your tires to see if the sound changes. how many miles on her?
It has 103k on it now. I put brand new tires on it when I bought it used at 78k. So these tires have 15k on them. They don't look worn or scalloped, etc. I'll try the rotation. Thanks.
sometimes tires look fine, but are very noisy, especially the bottom tier ones. i've seen numerous mechanics fooled into changing bearings due to tire noise. if no difference on curves, it must be tire. if all them are bad, you will not notice anything after rotation.
25,000 miles. does it change in turning? constant velocity joint. but in the end, it might just be bearings. we've seen many bad ones in high salt areas under 100,000 miles.
Yeah, 25,000. Yes, I note that it does appear to change while turning one way, though I didn't notice that before. Maybe the noise from the rear right bearing (replaced yesterday) was masking it. Dealer insists it's the front right wheel bearing. I guess I'll find out. Thanks for your reply.
I see you have the correct number of wheels in your profile pic ;-) My other car is a '99 BMW R1100RT, a great touring bike which still has class, even if it has been superseded by later models. Yea, wheel bearing seems to be the consensus. I've just had the right rear bearing done with new back rotors along with the 100k service. I'll do the front right when I recover from this $1900 bill, unless it craps out on my first! Thanks for the opinion.
2012 with 100,000 miles is just broken in. i wouldn't hesitate to maintain her properly, but you might want to shop around for prices.
I replaced my right rear myself for $65. on my 2010 with 55,000 miles. Never heard of any car ever needing wheel bearings. Not good.
i had 3 cars that required front bearings about 120000 miles +/- 20000. My Prius is still fine at near 90000.
I agree. This is 2017, we've been making cars for a hundred years, and sealed bearings for much of that time. Failure of wheel bearings - especially for car of that weight and performance level - is inexcusable, to my mind.
Yes indeed: when I got it back it seemed to sound and behave differently. I said that I didn't notice it before, and I didn't, but not for want of listening for it. I'm not ignorant of cars and mechanical things