Cusco makes a pricey one that I may install. I already have a Tanabe sway bar i front. It does help flatten the body in cornering.
I can confirm the TRD Prius plus sway bar fits 2014 Prius V. I just took mine off 2010 Prius regular. Bolted right up I used the new Moog links K90340 and K90341. Since my originals were torn.
After reading this, I decided to add the TRD sway bar to my car. The bar comes with everything you need, including instructions. I also looked at the photos this guy posted: DIY: How to install Prius PLUS rear sway bar by TRD » Balancing Act The instructions say you need to unbolt the shock absorbers for access, but you don’t. I backed my car onto ramps, which made the job very easy- probably 30 minutes total. Just need 14mm and 13mm wrenches. It comes white, but I painted the ends gray so there wouldn’t be white parts hanging below my car. .
I likewise used Rhino Ramps. Nor did I loosen the shocks. Starting a couple of the nuts required “full commitment”, but was doable, even with meaty fingers. Left the bar white. Don’t mind the attention. What’s your take on handling, before and after?
Haven’t really driven it hard either before or after, but I knew a little less understeer couldn’t be a bad thing!
I really like the use of office floor mats in this application. I thought I was smart in using the 2'-square interlocking foam pads scattered about as needed. But this wins. I'll try to get some of those and use the 2' squares on top.
I have 5 or 6 of the 30x60 mats. Normally they're lined up along my workbench, but it's easy to "borrow" as many as needed for an under-car or driveway job.
Nice info! Will be doing the TRD rear sway bar on my 2012 Prius v, model 5. Now I just need to hunt down some good upgrades for struts!
Installed the TRD rear sway bar on my 2012 Prius v, model 5 today. Perfect fit, comes with everything. Just to make it easier for me, I disconnected the lower shock mount bolts (17mm), pushed the shock out of the way, they are gas filled so they extended, but not hard to compress by hand to reattach later. I believe the bar endlinks can be installed onto the lower shock mount area without the lower shock loosening, but it was so much easier with the shock out of the way. As for the ride, the car seemed more controlled (the rear at least), the ride was not any more harsh. Good upgrade. The front however still floats like a boat. A front sway bar would be nice, but better shocks might be fine, if they existed. For now, seems my only option left to improve front suspension is with one of the coilover kits. Looking at the Megan Racing kit. For decent struts/shocks, all there is are the KYB Excel-G units. Will drive the car a bit as currently set up, maybe it will be ok.
My wife wanted to drop it a little lower than the Tanabes. I ended up getting the RS-R Superdown springs. I'll post up some pix when I get a chance to install them.
Just wanted to update this thread with real-world driving experience with the sway bar. Last week a buddy and I drove from Ohio to our small place in NC, taking some twisty roads through TN and NC. Although the Prius is the least sporty and lowest performance car I own, it was still a fun ride, and the car is now very neutral on twisty roads. (I used to be an instructor at BMW and Porsche club track events, and have a lot of track experience in lots of different cars.) Also, got 40mpg on the trip, not bad. There were a few long uphill stretches, and I must admit, the motor drone does get old quickly on hills. But in any case, I'd recommend the TRD sway bar for anyone who occasionally drives their V enthusiastically.
I want to get new shocks when I get lowering springs too and looked at the KYB Excel-G but then I found Tein Endurapro shocks/struts. Tein EnduraPro Shocks for 12-16 Prius V Hybrid (Front & Rear Set) | eBay