Need No Start Help. Prius 2009 Went out to start. Nothing. Door open light works, Shows the no key symbol. Otherwise blank dash But nothing happens when I press power. Things I tried: Insert fob in dash and the no key light goes out, but still nothing, no dash nothing Check rear Battery 12.2V Main Bat 215 V (check all cells OK) Only other odd thing was the alarm would go off. I can use the fob to turn off. Also the fob does lock and unlock the doors Any ideas? Thanks
Why did you check the hv battery? You probably didn't lock in the orange interlock switch. Lock it like this and it'll start
I would disconnect 12V for 30 seconds and reboot. If that doesn't work check fuses paying special attention to AM2 fuse I'm curious why you questioned the traction battery, have you done some recent work with it?
Progress - sort of. Disassembled the FOB and cleaned the board up. Now the the dash lights up with red triangle, and brake light lit, Power button goes to orange. I hear a click when I depress the brake Now it shifts to neutral only. Also when I insert the fob into the receiver. The dash will not light up How do I check the brake switch?
As for the traction battery. I haven't done anything with it, but on another prius that had some bad cells and it acted really weird so I wanted to check it out
Are you sure the orange interlock is locked into place? As stated in post #2? Try jump starting it and see if it'll start.