Okay, what gives with the Entune App and the Eco Dashboard, specifically. I drive the car, and when I stop, put it into park and get ready to turn off it gives me a 73 score for the entire drive. A few minutes later I look at the app and it says 28/100 for the drive. When I look at the time that it was updated it usually shows the time that it started the drive! not that last drive. So what's going on? That low score wasn't even close to my evening commute score (at car turn off, the night before), which can be lower because of the terrain and speed I may be traveling in. I'm getting to the I don't give a &*^% point because it's so off that I don't want to even try. I want to believe the car more, but it's nice to see your ranking on the app, but it's so discouraging. The hard work you put in, that shows on the car doesn't reflect on the app!
LMAO!!! I know, I know! but just like you guys getting 40+ miles per gallon on EV. I'm shooting for the best that I can achieve. Like that little accelerator guide bar PED, I know that if I try to match it my score will improve. It's tougher for me because on any given day I can be driving one of three different vehicles, and they are all different in how you drive them, but the PED helps keep me in check!
40+ miles per gallon? lmao! on EV even! lol. well, on that note, I'm getting "30.8 miles per gallon EV"
I've given up on the ECO score ... i have hardly ever seen it above 90 and i remember last night after i got on the fwy, crossed 6 lanes to get in the carpool lane, in EV ... it was at like 25 ... ECO my @#$# ... i suppose if i were to get 100 my EV range would be 50 haha ... with my EV range, and my mpg of ~ 120 for commute ... i do not care about the ECO score anymore
Lets revolt!!! Seriously though, I just filled up my tank before the 4th of July because I was worried it was going to creep up. 982 miles 7.442 Gallons of gas for a real 131.95 MPG for that tankful! I'm just amazed at this car, but the ECO dashboard still sucks!
You might be the last of that species ... going danger of becoming extinct ... or follow the road of the crippled snail... hehe...
I just put it in sport mode and go fast. I'm still getting 50mpg driving it like a sports car. (Single digit eco score but who cares?)
"Hello, I'm Alex" "hey, Alex" "I want to throw my several hundred dollar phone against the wall...all because of the Entune Eco Dashboard...." Cheers... applause....
My reaction to the Prime's various driving score systems is similar to my wife's fascination with checking the fitness monitor on her wrist to see if she's done an adequate number of steps each day. In fact, I have begun to think of my Prime as a Fitbit for the sedentary.