Can I use the newest version EGR (from 2016/ 17 Prius) and make it fit in my 2010 Prius? The existing EGR in 3Gen Prius is prone to clogging and I rather replace it with the newest EGR and call it a day. It look possible to me because the 4th Gen engine is very identical to 3th Gen engine. What you guys think? The 2016/17 EGR cooler part number is 2560137020 if anyone want to check out for me. The used ones are going for $105.
That's not going to work. The coolant lines going to it are different, the mounting bolt locations look different, and it's probably not the same dimensions. The Gen 4 EGR system is supposed different (I haven't confirmed myself by looking at diagrams) and possibly less prone to clogging due to the exhaust gases passing through the catalytic converter before going to the EGR cooler. Even if you modify the Gen 4 part to fit somehow, it's still getting the pre-catalytic converter exhaust gases.
According to those who have seen early and late Gen 3 EGR coolers, they are identical. It is possible to clean the EGR cooler to like- new condition, if you are willing to to put in some time poking through all the passageways with wire, do some solvent soaking and hit it with medium pressure water/ repeat as necessay. About an hour's work over a day or two. Then it's good for another 150k miles.
I've thought about this. The critical difference I think, is where the EGR taps into the exhaust: third gen is before the Catalytic Converter, 4th Gen is after. The fix, I think: 1. Remove the exhaust, Cat and next pipe. 2. Fabricate and install a new pipe that branches off the existing exhaust to EGR connector pipe, and connects to the exhaust beyond the Cat. And clears everything. No small task. 3. Leave in place the original passage for strength but block it, with a welded filler plate. I can't find a good picture of the whole system. Here's the exhaust manifold, highlighted in yellow, where you'd need to tap in marked up, and what would need blocking: Nuther view: And the Exhaust connection: All-in-all, too much I think. Simpler to just clean things out, maybe just the once?
Once might be enough for "retiree mileage" . I plan on an every 100 k miles servicing. That's the frequency I'll have the windshield wiper cowling off for spark plugs, so it'll save a bit of time. But I learned today my brother in law's 2011 Audi A4 didn't pass smog and he might be looking for a car. Might mean I'm "Prime" for an upgrade and no need for the 200 k miles servicing plan .
We'll be lucky to make it to 100K km, might have to let you guys have all the fun. OTOH, if it were to get passed onto our son and daughter in law, then the miles (or kms) will start piling on.
You've done more maintenance in the under 70 k km's than I have in 157 k miles. But it's a labor of love. If your son inherits it, it should be a gem.
100,000km? That all? If I was ready to get rid of a car at that low of a mileage, I'd never buy that brand again. I'm at ~408,000km for the metrically inclined. I was thinking about the EGR system and the cooler I had that is completely clogged - i.e. Will not pass air or fluids. If the branch of the exhaust manifold routes that much junk to my EGR, what to my catalytic converters look like?
There's a weekend project! Maybe it could be said that the Prius killed more cats than Pope Gregory IX. The latter has been suggested as a cause of the original "Black Death" (less cats, more rats: more rats, more fleas, ergo more plague) - from here on out, I would like to suggest that the EGR issues be known as "The Black Death".
Your profile says NorCal. If you ever want to tackle the EGR as a weekend project, I'm always down to help. Done it three times, so it wouldn't be my first rodeo . I have a spare cooler I'll be cleaning from the last round. Keep us posted .
Thanks for the offer. My 2011's EGR and cooler are no longer the original, as is the intake manifold. They were all caked solid with thick oily goop - and "much fun" was had doing it in 100+F weather The originals are just waiting to be cleaned. I'm in NorCal - in sunny Cow Town. Not that we have cows here, or that the town was named after cows but hey, it's all semantics.
We are the next town west from Cow Town in the county seat. Better to be there than "Old Hang Town". Yesterday was another hot one, and we spent it at Raley Field for Scout Day. Hopefully you had a nice shady area to work in at least when tackling the intake and egr system. I'll be cleaning my spares soon too.