Just returned home from a trip to Yosemite and happy to report our newly purchased (2010 Gen3 Three w/55K miles) left me pleasantly surprised. Details: Trip started from our home in Reno to overnight stay at the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center (where I was stationed almost 30 years ago). Distance 105 miles, 2000' elevation gain. Next morning leg from MCMWTC to Yosemite via 9624-foot Sonora Pass. Up to 25% grades. Distance 143 miles. And back again. Lots of elevation gain and loss using this route. 52.9 mpg overall I was pleased with the "B" transmission feature - used it to regulate downhill speeds and frequently got to 10 bars (on my HV battery gauge, not drinking bars). Engaged Power Mode when needed on inclines - plenty of power. Lastly, I was extremely pleased with the responsive steering and handling.
Yeah, the Prius is nice to get around in Yosemite. Lots of slow driving and regening. Really thinking about getting myself a Gen 4-2 Eco this weekend.
Sounds great! Glad you're enjoying the new buggy. I love Yosemite. Any chance you could get a mod to move this to the Gen 3 main forum so other Gen 3 owners will find it more easily?
I live right next to Yosemite. I can see El Capitan and Half Dome from my morning walks just a quarter mile from my home. I just drove from there to Salt Lake City. I did 80 when the speed limit was 80. Two miles above for everything else. I got 63 MPG according to the display. I filled up only once. In every other vehicle I've owned, I've had to fill up at least twice. I was very happy with that. I do know the engine works a lot harder at higher speeds and much of the trip is able 75. Plus there are some mighty big hills to climb and a big mountain (The Sierra Nevada). When I drive up to the park and back, I get between 52 and 53 MPG. Around town I get 63 in the summer and 53 in the winter.