Hello everyone, Sorry about the weird subject line. I was trying to do some research on what the Toyota symbol was. Some people say it's a bowl, some say rings, but many people say that it is a bull. Though I don't think of it as a bull, that seems to be high on the list of possibilities. Does anyone out there have an idea? ~Andrew
Actually, if you look at the symbol, you can outline all of the letters used in the spelling of the name.
Yeah, that 'T' could mean things other than "Toyota". You could take the head off of a BA Baracus "A-Team" action figure, and super-glue it above the Toyota Logo... It's your Mr. T Hood Ornament!
I like and prefer that the symbol is an outline of all the letters in Toyota. That's what I believe it to be. I've heard that it was a bull from so many people though. Thanks for the replys. ~Andrew
so in the end, my dumb impression that it is just a stylized T was correct... well, i have always said that i have no appreciation for artistic creativity... apparently a trait i share with the japanese. keep it simple...
Your experience is mostly North American accents, I expect, which have very similar sounds for 't' and 'd' (do you pronounce "mettle" and "meddle" the same?). Round here (UK), they are very different sounds, and Toyota definitely has a 't' sound (actually two 't' sounds, of course). We wouldn't confuse our vehicles with Toy Yodas.
I realize that, in all likelihood you're being facetious but, seriously, you probably would mistake your vehicles with "Toy Yodas" if, pronounciation notwithstanding, you heard the following: "....restaurant manager Jared Blair told his waitresses he didn't know what kind of Toyota it would be — a car, truck or van — but told them the winner would be responsible for the tax on the vehicle."
you all missed the TALW in the name, your car is made by the Toyoda Automatic Loom Works that is or was the name of the company till the late 80's.
does anyone remember a contest Hooters had at one of their restaurants. the waitperson who had highest sales for a six month period would win the first prize of a toy yoda. well the contestants thought they were getting a car. well to make a long story short, the winner filed a lawsuit claiming misleading advertising against Hooters. because the winning prize was a toy Yoda.
OK, I think we have a problem here - Danny are you reading? Since the move to the new site a short while back, I have NOT been able to easily see linked text. I even changed my browsers (IE and Mozilla) to use a distinctly different "unvisited link" color and I still only see the linked text as a link if I have the mouse over it and the text color lightens. Is there something about the new site that is 'helping' us? There were posts in other topics clearly showing that people weren't seeing links in prior posts.
All very regional. Some pronounce it Toyota and some slur the second t pronouncing it Toyoda. There is a town just north of here - Milton. I would imagine at some point the name came from a shortened version of Mill Town but that could be totally wrong. The 'locals' most generally pronounce it Mil'n but most others use all the letters. I've not ever heard it pronounced Mildon though ;-) How many of you pronounce February with both 'r's? Ignoring the first one is very common, though incorrect.
I think the problem is that links are a similar hue to the background, and between that and the black text in brightness, meaning that they may be hard to distinguish for those whose display is not gamma-corrected? This looks like the relevant part of fisubice.css: Code: /* General page style */ a:link,a:active,a:visited{color:#32475f;text-decoration:none} a.postlink{color:#32475f;text-decoration:none} a:hover{color:#839fbc;text-decoration:none} The text-decoration may be annoying for those who normally have their links underlined - though I don't, I believe that this is a personal preference that authors shouldn't mess with without good reason.
ooops (shuffles feet embarrassingly) yup yup!! that s the contest i was talking about. i guess i can stop looking for the link now... well to be honest with ya. i didnt notice the link the first time i read it. but im sure it wasn't red yesterday.