I am finding my new Gen 4 glides much further than my old Gen 2, perhaps the difference of fresh bearings. It is great for near constant speed driving on level roads, snatching a short glide with frequency, but I find that I mis-judge the approach to junctions and so I arrive a bit too fast for the best mpg. Anyone else finding this and does anyone have any glide distance against speed knowledge? I feel the need for a chart
Yes I have the same experience. When you say glide, can I confirm you mean your foot is not completely off the gas pedal and you are applying a slight 'assist', just to cancel out the regeneration? I monitor battery amps (BTA) with ScanGauge and find it quite challenging to hold that balance point between regeneration and electric assist. It may partly be because the electric motor is more powerful than on the Gen2.
For just this reason I wish there was a "glide control" button to push or lever to hold. Something that controlled the throttle setting for gliding. Rather like the opposite of cruise control - it would hold the system at a minimum energy level while allowing speed to drop (or speed to rise on a downhill).
Yeah I drove my new 2017 Eco home today. It is much harder to glide, but the coasting distance seems longer.
Yes, trying to get those arrows to go completely off but it is a very fine point even in ECO mode and I often just use the neutral point on the HSI as a glide. Some days I am good at it and other days just hopeless. That said even coasting down takes you a long way.
I would not normally recommend anyone use neutral to coast downhill. Perhaps our engineering brethren will detail the reasons for not doing so, or you could explain why you think it is ok.
The Prius does not charge the traction battery or use regenerative braking in Neutral. For long downhill stretches, you can use "B" to limit traction battery charging.
I have never run the Prius in Neutral, not even on the flat, there is no need. I was referring to the balance point on the hybrid system indicator when it is showing neither regenerating nor battery/ICE use. With the energy monitor screen on the Gen 2 the arrows would vanish when you were gliding, they do this sometimes on the Gen 4 but it is very hard to hold that point so the best option seems to be to bring the cyan energy use bar on the HSI back to the line as you would see if stationary. At this point the glide should be at its best and it seems to be much improved over the Gen 2.