I just picked up a 2011, Trim IV and tried out the navigation for the first time today. I got some interesting responses when I said "Alaska" for the state. After checking it out further, I realize that Alaska was not even in the database. It had me checking out lots of points of interest in Yukon Territory, lol. Why can't this thing recognize my location? Do I have to buy additional map upgrades or what's the deal? Seems like the voice recognition is pretty awful. It's the first thing in the Prius I actually hate.
I find voice recognition to work extremely well in my 2011 Prius, but Alaska is not included in the maps. I don't think there is a way to get Alaska for the built-in nav system.
Thanks for the response. I discovered after further research that Alaska was not something included in any maps. It really surprised me as there are a LOT of Prius vehicles here. Fortunately, these days there are so many apps for smart phones that is not a major setback. Still a bit annoying that a $30,000 vehicle with navigation can't be used.