I just noticed a short period of time with the engine on in EV mode! In particular, I dropped my wife off at a friend's place. I didn't tally up the distance exactly, but I presumed it to be bigger than a 30-mile round trip, so I decided to burn a little gas. More specifically, there's a stretch on an 80MPH troll (haha) road, so I took all but that part in EV mode, and fired up the engine for the 80MPH part only, both coming and going. Interestingly though, a mile or so before I exited the 80MPH toll road on the way back, I switched back to EV mode, and the drive monitor showed the EV indicator on and the ICE still running! I tried to take a picture of it, but I had some traffic to deal with, so I didn't succeed in doing so. Apparently, that close to the 84MPH EV-speed limit, it doesn't shut off the ICE immediately when you switch HV->EV. iPad ? Pro
no idea, maybe the sensors wait until the right temps and hydrocarbons. just a thought. how long did it run for after you hit the ev button? my pip often runs the engine after i come off the highway and hit ev, but prime may be different.
Probably a couple minutes or so. It seemed to turn off as I turned off -- as to say, took the exit. I'm guessing it's more related to slowing down than to some particular amount of time. iPhone ? Pro
interesting. also the drive monitor isn't real time. it's off a bit. you need a scan gauge or something for more accuracy.
In my experience it takes several minutes/miles before the ICE kicks off when I have switched it to HV mode back to EV mode. No reason as to why but it does consistently take a while
I have not myself noticed that, other than this particular time, and a couple times when was still in warm-up. On the other hand, the engine is pretty quiet most of the time, so there's a chance it may have stayed on longer than I realized. Also, I've so seldom run it on gas that ... well, let's say that would be my favorite reason to not have, perhaps, noticed it! iPhone ? Pro
Still, the fact that, in hybrid mode, the engine turns on and off on a second-by-second basis, conceptually, it would seem like it could shut off the engine in a matter of seconds, assuming it's not being held on for other reasons, such as warming up. iPhone ? Pro
i suspect that the prime engine is so quiet, the people who think it hasn't come on in 800-900 miles never heard it.
I think the PIP was around of 150 miles of continuous EV operation and it would kick on the ICE for a complete warming cycle. I only had that occur a few times in the 46,979 miles with my PIP. The Prime is much greater than that; this morning I crossed 2,000 miles without the ICE coming on. Last time the ICE came on was early April. The car has 4,047 total miles, and 2,027 miles since the last time ICE turned on and completed a warming cycle (for unknown reason). I still have a "full dealer tank" of gas I need to start using! (my "miles to fill-up" still shows 484, so "no", the gas engine has not been turning on unnoticed!)
but prime now separates ev miles from hv miles, unlike pip. dte will remain the same unless you hit hv mode,
From what I have observed, if the ICE has run through it's entire warm up period, when you switch from HV to EV it happens instantaneously. If the ICE is still going through it's warmup when you swap back to EV, it will keep running for awhile. I tend to judge whether the car has fully transitioned to EV by observing the large green EV icon you see on your instrument panel. When the car is still going through the ICE warm up, I've noticed that swapping back to EV does not immediately "fill in" the green EV icon. After an unknown amount of time, the green icon will "fill in" and be fully illuminated. If the ICE is fully warmed up, swapping back to EV mode results in the icon illuminating immediately. (Although there seems to be a few caveats to this - not sure if it is speed related or something else)
.... or consume gas.... That was my point...... someone commented that the engine is so quiet (no it's not) that people are not hearing it turn on and are not really getting long continuous EV runs without the ICE turning on. If my "miles to fill-up" display shows the same number since early April, then "no fuel has been used", and thus the ICE has not turned on (in the last 2,027 miles)
Plus, your ECO dashboard resets to zero at the beginning of each month, surly you would see a deviation from 999.9 miles EV if ICE somehow kicked in without us knowing it.