I have bought a car from an auction with some damage to the front right side. The car did NOT have a key with it. So Once I got it, I was gonna program the key for it, but the lock smith came in he noticed there are NO ANY LIGHTS on the dash at all. The funny thing is that the headlights are working, interior lights are fine, when I open drivers door I hear that BRRRRRR noise like on all the priuses ( some kind of pump or something ) , BUT NO LIGHTS ON DASH. THe right side fuse box had broken bottom, I replaced that and didnt notice any damage on the actual electric components, checked fuses in this fuse box, all are good. ANY IDEA???? Thanks
Should I remove the dash, or just speedometer and see the plugs??? Its highly unusual for the plugs to come loose, but I'll definitely check. Thanks
Yes, there is another little fuse box on the left side under the hood, and maybe another somewhere under dash, not sure.
I removed the cluster and checked the connection, it was all good, seems like all connected well. Then I found the small fuse box under drivers side dash, it has about 20 fuses, checked all of them, seems like its all good. Thinking maybe some kind of Relay or something else ??? Dash still doesn't have any lights on it.
Honestly, there was not much damage to the car, and the body is already repaired and seems like there were no cut wires or something like that. Im thinking maybe some relay went bad or something?
Also, I was trying to connect my OBD2 scanner tool and it can NOT communicate with the car. So not sure what could be the problem
Your 12V battery might not have enough power left in it to power on the cars' computers. Try putting a battery charger on it and see if that helps. If not, there might be more electrical damage from the accident than is apparent.
Thanks for the Input. I'll def do that. However it just seems a little weird that I can turn on the headlights, low and high beam, horn works, but it wont turn on the dash lights?!
The lights and horn just require some power; the dash lights require that the ECUs run self-checks and communications successfully before turning on some of the dash lights. There might not be enough power to do that.
So I connected a good charged battery, and nothing changed When I press the brake I hear the pump running, headlights work, but NO Lights on dash