After driving for a few minutes, my electric motor doesn't seem to be doing anything to help the car accelerate , the arrows that usually come in/out the "Electric Motor" to/from the battery are not appearing to be active. Could it be the 12V battery or Do u think it's the Hybrid Battery ? Or something else? Has anyone ever experienced this before ? When restart the vehicle everything works well for about 10 mins and then it all happens again. 2006 Toyota Prius I made YouTube video of it
Problems with your Inverter pump? Has it failed - or is it in the process of failing? I noticed you've got the Big Red Triangle "of doom" visible on your dash read out. I'd suggest you get the codes pulled by a dealer, for a realistic prognosis of the problem at hand iPhone ?
OK, I went to AutoZone and they ran a free test. My results are posted below. P0102. Mass or volume air flow circuit low input
hopefully your maf just needs cleaning. google the nuts about bolts youtube instructions. how many miles on her?
Seems like a wide range of codes. Mass air flow, coolant storage temp sensor, coolant valve and inverter. Maybe there's been a few things building up over time or maybe there's something in common with multiple electronic circuits? I refuse to name it, but maybe verify the most mentioned item on this forum, (and mentioned in sentence 2 of the OP) just to make sure you're not being lead astray. If that checks out, I think I'd look into the MAF system next.
I bought it used and I was too excited about buying it I didn't pay attention to anything, now I'm afraid of the cost of repair. I cleaned the MAF and Throttle body and now it almost sounds like it's going to cut off after staying idle to long. I'm going to just drop it off and pray it's not too much to repair. I also got AAA to test the 12V Battery, to both of our surprise the battery. Is new. Smh
I'm a bit confused. The engine should turn off, rather than idle. Pull up to a red light, engine typically shuts off very soon. Will start as needed to maintain HV battery level. If the engine is running continuously, that is a problem. My son's 2005 (280k+ miles now) had this happen and we solved it by doing a thorough throttle body cleaning. It was crazy, acted like it wanted to shutoff but just couldn't. His mileage was in the toilet. The cleaning cured it all.