Just purchased a 2015 Prius c 2. Any tips for someone that has never owned a hybrid before? Should I get a K&N air filter right away? Any other things i can get to improve performance? Thanks everyone!
Congrats and welcome! Enjoy the car. Drive it. Marvel at how little it costs to fill up and how reliable it is. If you want a hot rod, sorry, you got the wrong car. If you want an engineering wonder, you're gonna love it.
Thanks! Definitely know this thing is no hot rod lol When I mentioned performance I was talking about if there is anything I can get to increase mpg
Cool. I'm not a "c" owner, but there are universal similarities. One is your tires. You'll de better with low rolling resistance ones. Most of us inflate them higher than the manual says. I run mine around 42/40 psi, f/r. Make sure the engine and cabin air filters are clean. The cabin filter can make a surprising difference if it's clogged. An aftermarket filter is not on my list. It might help a tiny bit or it might be worse. Either way, not worth it, imho. Others will surely chime in with more helpful suggestions.
The single most important thing you can do to improve your fuel economy is to drive gently. Don't rush up to stop signs or red lights and then hit the brakes - coast towards them so that you improve your chances that they'll turn green by the time you get there. Be easy on the accelerator pedal when you pull away from a stop. Try to maintain a constant speed as you cruise. If you can learn those habits it will reward you with exceptional fuel economy.
I would recommend reading your owners manual. But then? I always thought a really great thing about "Prius" was that you can pretty much just drive it, and get excellent fuel economy. Even if you choose to ignore a lot of hypermiling techniques or even the hybrid software efficiency feedback the vehicle offers. And at least at first? I'd just drive it, and allow yourself to gain familiarity with the vehicle itself. Don't worry too much whether you are doing things "wrong" or "right". Just drive safely, sanely, and get a feel for the vehicle. Sometimes I think new owners can worry too much about whether they are doing the right "magical" thing to unlock some special level. Or worry too much that they are doing something wrong. Usually in both cases...the new person is doing fine. Keep your eyes open for any warning signs-REAL trouble lights or codes....but in general..at first...my advice is just drive it and enjoy it. You can expand your knowledge and make choices about driving techniques in time. The Prius...and I'd imagine Prius c -pretty much naturally teaches you.
welcome! the only mods worth doing are for handling, appearance, audio and the like. toyota has wrung out every possible mpg, except the driver. it's in your hands now, all the best!
K&N all the way baby. You'll save a lot more money in the long run I have a K&N air filter and a K&N cabin filter Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Like "The electric Me" said, just drive like you would any car. The onboard computer does everything to optimize mileage. You will hear strange noises also from your car. Some will happen minutes after you turn it off, other times it may be an hour or so. Don't panic, just come here and ask us!! As an example, if you turn on the AC on a really hot day full blast, you will hear a buzzing noise from the front of the car. That is completely normal. Please come here to Priuschat before you take the car to the dealer when inquiring about noises. Believe it or not, most dealers won't be as familiar with your concerns as the people in here. And lastly, check out the modification crowd here, it will literally blow your mind as to what people have done to customize their Prius's. There is a get together on June 25th I believe in Cerritos. Enjoy your car and the friendly people in Priuschat!!
You mean this: SoCal : 06-25-17 (Sun) Brunch Meet & Greet !!! Cerritos Have fun. We Bay Area folks will be getting together on Saturday the 24th in Fremont: Possible Monthly install meets. Bay Area-Fremont
Here is the thread to the forum. I got transfered to another department at work and I might actually be able to make this one!!! Local Clubs, Events, and Road Trips | PriusChat
Hopefully a transfer at work did not lead to "increased responsibilities". Just had that happen and it has led to less "free time".
Actually it is one of those "two steps back leading to 3 steps forward" situations. All is good. Got my choice of days off. I asked for Sunday Mondays off. That means College Football on Saturday nights, NFL Sundays and Monday night Football!!
Excellent choice . That's a great benefit about living on the Best Coast is all the late evening games are just coming on at dinner time ! You get the side benefit of having the best 2 days of the week off. Way to work the system to your advantage .