Greetings. I have a 2010 Prius II, and a wife who isn’t the most careful… I don’t know how to fix the latter issue, but the 2010 needs a new bumper cover. I found a guy who will do the work, I just need to order parts. In ordering on Amazon, I noticed that there are several types, some have holes for fog lamps, some for parking sensors, some for headlight wipers, and the LED/Halogen bulbs seem to differ as well. Despite my best googling efforts, I cant figure out which one I have. I have halogen lights, no fog lamps, no headlight waipers, no sensors… Is there a place that you folks know of to find the right part? 20170615_103225 by fsu23phd posted Jun 15, 2017 at 11:36 AM 20170615_103230 by fsu23phd posted Jun 15, 2017 at 11:36 AM 20170614_123852_1497458333568 by fsu23phd posted Jun 15, 2017 at 11:36 AM Thanks! Chris
No collision insurance I assume? This site is good, easy to navigate: Toyota Parts | Toyota Online Parts | Genuine Toyota parts | Toyota Parts Online
Thanks Mendel! I saw a similar interface. I can get to a screen where it asks me to select the options I have, I don't see options for no headlight waipers, so I'm not 100% sure I'll get the right part number... I do have insurance, but I set it to a 5K deductable... I don't even know if the car is worth that much, and a claim would raise the rate anyway, I should just drop the insurance huh?... I buy my cars outright so I only want the insurance until they fall below 10K in value, and at that point the insurance would only matter in the event of a total loss.... Thanks again!
Briefly: You do not have LED Lights You do not have fog lights You do not have parking sensors You do not have headlight washers (Pkg V has washers not wipers)
2010 level II through IV should be identical bumper covers. Also look at Craigslist as sometimes people part a car out (in your case you would seek someone who had rear end damage). You may be coming across more than two part numbers due to paint codes? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Thanks guys! I took a leap of faith and ordered one Here is hoping. I will get it painted once the other parts arrive and pay a neighbor to reattach everything... BTW, what do you think is a good price for painting a bumper cover and a fender? Has anyone painted their whole car before? Thanks again.
Prices vary so you should research and find a reputable body shop. The fender may be more than the bumper because they have to blend it in with any surrounding body panels (eg door or hood). Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Thanks Folks. I went to Macco. They charged me 1200 for attaching the: 1) Bumper Cover 2) Fender 3) Wheel Well Liner 4) Headlight and to paint the whole car factory red. I would have changed the color, but they charge more for the door jams. I will post a picture when it's all done. Can't wait to trade this in for a Prius Prime... I have had a 2005 (loved it), the 2010 (Grumble grumble grumble) and a 2016 (love it).