Hello everyone, I am having issues with my insurance adjuster. I had a 2005 with 490,000kms on it that got into a not at fault accident (rear ended by an ambulance (not on emergency), of all things). The adjuster is giving me $3000, instead of $5000 because of high kilometers. He said if I can show Priuses for sale of the same age and around the same kilometers, he would consider giving me more. But he has rejected one from BC and the two from Michigan and Pennsylvania. He is insisting that I show him a listing from Ontario. I have tried Auto Trader, Car Guru and Kijiji. Anyone know if there is a way to search archive listings? Because 400,000km+ vehicles are not put on sale often. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
First what are the Blue Book, Black Book, NADA valuations? Another comment is are you meaning $3000 Canadian dollars? So you may have to do some monetary conversion calculations. That is a valid method for vehicle valuation in the same/near locations. (Such as convertibles in San Diego have a higher value market value than in Alaska) Although the adjustor may debate new tires, full tank of gas, upgrades and accessories can add value. (Brakes, windshield, oil change, recent maintenance items no add) Post # 2 asks a valid question. Keep searching and good luck.
Agreed, $3,000 was what I was going to ask for our '04 with 229,000 miles (very good condition) two months ago, but passed it on to a friend for less.
Okay, please keep in mind that we are talking Canadian dollars and kilometers. So about 300,000 miles and so about $2250 US. But that was not the point, I have been able to find examples of asking prices in the US and in BC of 2005s with about 500,000km (300,000miles). But the adjuster won't accept those example. I am looking for some way to get either archived listings from Ontario, for 2005's with 500,000 kms or something like it.
1) Canadian dollars. 2) I am not asking for $5000 for the write off, I am trying to show that a $2000 penalty for high kilometers is in appropriate for a Prius. I am hoping for about $3500-$3900 (Canadian as the write off value. If it had less than 250,000 km then they would have paid $5000.)
Didn't think about that. My bad. still though.. not trying to be rude but a Prius like that is worthless. Trust me, I know! My sister drives my old Prius with 310,000 miles. I bought it at a dealer years ago with 200,000 miles for $4000 and even than I don't think that was a really good price, but I wanted the car, and it was a one owner.
Unless you decide to fight them in civil court, which probably wouldn't be worth the effort, you're stuck with what the insurance adjuster offers you. I don't know if you're getting hosed, that's a matter of opinion. I doubt that in it's preaccident condition is was sellable at any price. I wouldn't buy a car with 300k mile for any price. I'd take the settlement and put it down on a newer and less used Prius, I guess. Sorry.
Thank you everyone for offering up your opinions on the value of my wrecked car. But that wasn't the question I asked. I would like to know besides Autotrader.ca, ca.Carguru.com, and Kijiji.ca, are there any buy and sell sites for cars? And is there a way to look at archive listings. The adjuster has said if I can find listings from the last six months from Ontario, that he would take that information into account. Any ideas?