Date Ordered: Jan. 10th Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Darcars 355 Toyota, Rockville MD Timeframe given for delivery: 6-8 weeks (yeah right) Color: Salsa Red Option Package: #7 Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: #1 for the past month. I felt it was about time I posted this.
Do you have any information about how many cars your dealer is getting every two weeks? I just took delivery of my Prius two weeks ago, and I had been waiting since January 25. I started out wanting a Seaside #7, but at the rate of 6-8 cars every 2 weeks, I wasn't advancing on the list very fast, so I decided to increase my chances by allowing more colors and packages. I ended up getting a Tideland #9 and I am loving it. It's a long wait, but it's worth it. Esther
They are pushing about 12-15 a month. Problem is I am specific. I don't like any other the color but Red. The only other packages are #9 (Too expensive) and #4 (Lacking Safety Features). So I will have to wait some more and more and more. I am actually writing Toyota USA a letter when I get the car. This process is terrible. No one knows when there cars are coming and people in the Midwest have to pay $5000.00 markups because they have such a low allocation. If toyota keeps this process, then I am very likely never going to buy another car from them until I know they have fixed it.